Class: Recurly::Resources::TaxInfo

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Resource


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Resource

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Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns The combined tax rate. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.


  • (Float)

    The combined tax rate. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/tax_info.rb', line 11

define_attribute :rate, Float


Returns Provides the tax region applied on an invoice. For U.S. Sales Tax, this will be the 2 letter state code. For EU VAT this will be the 2 letter country code. For all country level tax types, this will display the regional tax, like VAT, GST, or PST. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.


  • (String)

    Provides the tax region applied on an invoice. For U.S. Sales Tax, this will be the 2 letter state code. For EU VAT this will be the 2 letter country code. For all country level tax types, this will display the regional tax, like VAT, GST, or PST. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/tax_info.rb', line 15

define_attribute :region, String


Returns Provides additional tax details for Communications taxes when Avalara for Communications is enabled or Canadian Sales Tax when there is tax applied at both the country and province levels. This will only be populated for the Invoice response when fetching a single invoice and not for the InvoiceList or LineItemList. Only populated for a single LineItem fetch when Avalara for Communications is enabled.


  • (Array[TaxDetail])

    Provides additional tax details for Communications taxes when Avalara for Communications is enabled or Canadian Sales Tax when there is tax applied at both the country and province levels. This will only be populated for the Invoice response when fetching a single invoice and not for the InvoiceList or LineItemList. Only populated for a single LineItem fetch when Avalara for Communications is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/tax_info.rb', line 19

define_attribute :tax_details, Array, { :item_type => :TaxDetail }


Returns Provides the tax type as “vat” for EU VAT, “usst” for U.S. Sales Tax, or the 2 letter country code for country level tax types like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and all non-EU European countries. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.


  • (String)

    Provides the tax type as “vat” for EU VAT, “usst” for U.S. Sales Tax, or the 2 letter country code for country level tax types like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and all non-EU European countries. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.

# File 'lib/recurly/resources/tax_info.rb', line 23

define_attribute :type, String