Class: Recurly::Requests::SubscriptionChangeCreate

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Request


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Request

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Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::RequestCaster


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns If you provide a value for this field it will replace any existing add-ons. So, when adding or modifying an add-on, you need to include the existing subscription add-ons. Unchanged add-ons can be included just using the subscription add-on''s ID: `“abc123”`. If this value is omitted your existing add-ons will be unaffected. To remove all existing add-ons, this value should be an empty array.' If a subscription add-on's `code` is supplied without the `id`, `“def456”`, the subscription add-on attributes will be set to the current values of the plan add-on unless provided in the request. - If an `id` is passed, any attributes not passed in will pull from the existing subscription add-on - If a `code` is passed, any attributes not passed in will pull from the current values of the plan add-on - Attributes passed in as part of the request will override either of the above scenarios.


  • (Array[SubscriptionAddOnUpdate])

    If you provide a value for this field it will replace any existing add-ons. So, when adding or modifying an add-on, you need to include the existing subscription add-ons. Unchanged add-ons can be included just using the subscription add-on''s ID: `“abc123”`. If this value is omitted your existing add-ons will be unaffected. To remove all existing add-ons, this value should be an empty array.' If a subscription add-on's `code` is supplied without the `id`, `“def456”`, the subscription add-on attributes will be set to the current values of the plan add-on unless provided in the request. - If an `id` is passed, any attributes not passed in will pull from the existing subscription add-on - If a `code` is passed, any attributes not passed in will pull from the current values of the plan add-on - Attributes passed in as part of the request will override either of the above scenarios

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 11

define_attribute :add_ons, Array, { :item_type => :SubscriptionAddOnUpdate }


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 15

define_attribute :billing_info, :SubscriptionChangeBillingInfoCreate


Returns The `business_entity_code` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_code` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used. Only allowed if the `timeframe` is not `now`.


  • (String)

    The `business_entity_code` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_code` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used. Only allowed if the `timeframe` is not `now`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 19

define_attribute :business_entity_code, String


Returns The `business_entity_id` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_id` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used. Only allowed if the `timeframe` is not `now`.


  • (String)

    The `business_entity_id` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_id` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used. Only allowed if the `timeframe` is not `now`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 23

define_attribute :business_entity_id, String


Returns Collection method.


  • (String)

    Collection method

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 27

define_attribute :collection_method, String


Returns A list of coupon_codes to be redeemed on the subscription during the change. Only allowed if timeframe is now and you change something about the subscription that creates an invoice.


  • (Array[String])

    A list of coupon_codes to be redeemed on the subscription during the change. Only allowed if timeframe is now and you change something about the subscription that creates an invoice.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 31

define_attribute :coupon_codes, Array, { :item_type => String }


Returns The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.


  • (Array[CustomField])

    The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 35

define_attribute :custom_fields, Array, { :item_type => :CustomField }


Returns Integer normally paired with `Net Terms Type` and representing the number of days past the current date (for `net` Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for `eom` Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. During a subscription change, it's not necessary to provide both the `Net Terms Type` and `Net Terms` parameters. For more information on how net terms work with `manual` collection visit our docs page ( or visit ( for information about net terms using `automatic` collection.


  • (Integer)

    Integer normally paired with `Net Terms Type` and representing the number of days past the current date (for `net` Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for `eom` Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. During a subscription change, it's not necessary to provide both the `Net Terms Type` and `Net Terms` parameters. For more information on how net terms work with `manual` collection visit our docs page ( or visit ( for information about net terms using `automatic` collection.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 39

define_attribute :net_terms, Integer


Returns Optionally supplied string that may be either `net` or `eom` (end-of-month). When `net`, an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the current date. When `eom` an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the last day of the current month.


  • (String)

    Optionally supplied string that may be either `net` or `eom` (end-of-month). When `net`, an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the current date. When `eom` an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the last day of the current month.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 43

define_attribute :net_terms_type, String


Returns If you want to change to a new plan, you can provide the plan's code or id. If both are provided the `plan_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    If you want to change to a new plan, you can provide the plan's code or id. If both are provided the `plan_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 47

define_attribute :plan_code, String


Returns If you want to change to a new plan, you can provide the plan's code or id. If both are provided the `plan_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    If you want to change to a new plan, you can provide the plan's code or id. If both are provided the `plan_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 51

define_attribute :plan_id, String


Returns For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.


  • (String)

    For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 55

define_attribute :po_number, String


Returns Allows you to control how any resulting charges and credits will be calculated and prorated.


  • (ProrationSettings)

    Allows you to control how any resulting charges and credits will be calculated and prorated.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 59

define_attribute :proration_settings, :ProrationSettings


Returns Optionally override the default quantity of 1.


  • (Integer)

    Optionally override the default quantity of 1.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 63

define_attribute :quantity, Integer


Returns The new set of ramp intervals for the subscription.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 67

define_attribute :ramp_intervals, Array, { :item_type => :SubscriptionRampInterval }


Returns Revenue schedule type.


  • (String)

    Revenue schedule type

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 71

define_attribute :revenue_schedule_type, String


Returns Shipping addresses are tied to a customer's account. Each account can have up to 20 different shipping addresses, and if you have enabled multiple subscriptions per account, you can associate different shipping addresses to each subscription.


  • (SubscriptionChangeShippingCreate)

    Shipping addresses are tied to a customer's account. Each account can have up to 20 different shipping addresses, and if you have enabled multiple subscriptions per account, you can associate different shipping addresses to each subscription.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 75

define_attribute :shipping, :SubscriptionChangeShippingCreate


Returns This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.


  • (Boolean)

    This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 79

define_attribute :tax_inclusive, :Boolean


Returns The timeframe parameter controls when the upgrade or downgrade takes place. The subscription change can occur now, when the subscription is next billed, or when the subscription term ends. Generally, if you're performing an upgrade, you will want the change to occur immediately (now). If you're performing a downgrade, you should set the timeframe to `term_end` or `bill_date` so the change takes effect at a scheduled billing date. The `renewal` timeframe option is accepted as an alias for `term_end`.


  • (String)

    The timeframe parameter controls when the upgrade or downgrade takes place. The subscription change can occur now, when the subscription is next billed, or when the subscription term ends. Generally, if you're performing an upgrade, you will want the change to occur immediately (now). If you're performing a downgrade, you should set the timeframe to `term_end` or `bill_date` so the change takes effect at a scheduled billing date. The `renewal` timeframe option is accepted as an alias for `term_end`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 83

define_attribute :timeframe, String


Returns An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports 'moto' value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.


  • (String)

    An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports 'moto' value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 87

define_attribute :transaction_type, String


Returns Optionally, sets custom pricing for the subscription, overriding the plan's default unit amount. The subscription's current currency will be used.


  • (Float)

    Optionally, sets custom pricing for the subscription, overriding the plan's default unit amount. The subscription's current currency will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/subscription_change_create.rb', line 91

define_attribute :unit_amount, Float