Class: Recurly::Requests::PurchaseCreate

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Attributes inherited from Recurly::Request


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Recurly::Request

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Methods included from Schema::SchemaFactory


Methods included from Schema::RequestCaster


Methods included from Schema::ResourceCaster


Methods included from Schema::SchemaValidator

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Instance Attribute Details



# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 11

define_attribute :account, :AccountPurchase


Returns The `billing_info_id` is the value that represents a specific billing info for an end customer. When `billing_info_id` is used to assign billing info to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified billing info. `billing_info_id` can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.


  • (String)

    The `billing_info_id` is the value that represents a specific billing info for an end customer. When `billing_info_id` is used to assign billing info to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified billing info. `billing_info_id` can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 15

define_attribute :billing_info_id, String


Returns The `business_entity_code` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_code` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    The `business_entity_code` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_code` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 19

define_attribute :business_entity_code, String


Returns The `business_entity_id` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_id` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used.


  • (String)

    The `business_entity_id` is the value that represents a specific business entity for an end customer. When `business_entity_id` is used to assign a business entity to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified business entity. Available when the `Multiple Business Entities` feature is enabled. If both `business_entity_id` and `business_entity_code` are present, `business_entity_id` will be used.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 23

define_attribute :business_entity_id, String


Returns Must be set to manual in order to preview a purchase for an Account that does not have payment information associated with the Billing Info.


  • (String)

    Must be set to manual in order to preview a purchase for an Account that does not have payment information associated with the Billing Info.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 27

define_attribute :collection_method, String


Returns A list of coupon_codes to be redeemed on the subscription or account during the purchase.


  • (Array[String])

    A list of coupon_codes to be redeemed on the subscription or account during the purchase.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 31

define_attribute :coupon_codes, Array, { :item_type => String }


Returns Notes to be put on the credit invoice resulting from credits in the purchase, if any.


  • (String)

    Notes to be put on the credit invoice resulting from credits in the purchase, if any.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 35

define_attribute :credit_customer_notes, String


Returns 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


  • (String)

    3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 39

define_attribute :currency, String


Returns Customer notes.


  • (String)

    Customer notes

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 43

define_attribute :customer_notes, String


Returns The default payment gateway identifier to be used for the purchase transaction. This will also be applied as the default for any subscriptions included in the purchase request.


  • (String)

    The default payment gateway identifier to be used for the purchase transaction. This will also be applied as the default for any subscriptions included in the purchase request.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 47

define_attribute :gateway_code, String


Returns A gift card redemption code to be redeemed on the purchase invoice.


  • (String)

    A gift card redemption code to be redeemed on the purchase invoice.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 51

define_attribute :gift_card_redemption_code, String


Returns A list of one time charges or credits to be created with the purchase.


  • (Array[LineItemCreate])

    A list of one time charges or credits to be created with the purchase.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 55

define_attribute :line_items, Array, { :item_type => :LineItemCreate }


Returns Integer paired with `Net Terms Type` and representing the number of days past the current date (for `net` Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for `eom` Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. For `manual` collection method, an additional 24 hours is added to ensure the customer has the entire last day to make payment before becoming past due. For example: If an invoice is due `net 0`, it is due 'On Receipt' and will become past due 24 hours after it's created. If an invoice is due `net 30`, it will become past due at 31 days exactly. If an invoice is due `eom 30`, it will become past due 31 days from the last day of the current month. For `automatic` collection method, the additional 24 hours is not added. For example, On-Receipt is due immediately, and `net 30` will become due exactly 30 days from invoice generation, at which point Recurly will attempt collection. When `eom` Net Terms Type is passed, the value for `Net Terms` is restricted to `0, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90`. For more information on how net terms work with `manual` collection visit our docs page ( or visit ( for information about net terms using `automatic` collection.


  • (Integer)

    Integer paired with `Net Terms Type` and representing the number of days past the current date (for `net` Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for `eom` Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. For `manual` collection method, an additional 24 hours is added to ensure the customer has the entire last day to make payment before becoming past due. For example: If an invoice is due `net 0`, it is due 'On Receipt' and will become past due 24 hours after it's created. If an invoice is due `net 30`, it will become past due at 31 days exactly. If an invoice is due `eom 30`, it will become past due 31 days from the last day of the current month. For `automatic` collection method, the additional 24 hours is not added. For example, On-Receipt is due immediately, and `net 30` will become due exactly 30 days from invoice generation, at which point Recurly will attempt collection. When `eom` Net Terms Type is passed, the value for `Net Terms` is restricted to `0, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90`. For more information on how net terms work with `manual` collection visit our docs page ( or visit ( for information about net terms using `automatic` collection.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 59

define_attribute :net_terms, Integer


Returns Optionally supplied string that may be either `net` or `eom` (end-of-month). When `net`, an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the current date. When `eom` an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the last day of the current month.


  • (String)

    Optionally supplied string that may be either `net` or `eom` (end-of-month). When `net`, an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the current date. When `eom` an invoice becomes past due the specified number of `Net Terms` days from the last day of the current month.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 63

define_attribute :net_terms_type, String


Returns For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.


  • (String)

    For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 67

define_attribute :po_number, String



# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 71

define_attribute :shipping, :ShippingPurchase


Returns A list of subscriptions to be created with the purchase.


# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 75

define_attribute :subscriptions, Array, { :item_type => :SubscriptionPurchase }


Returns Terms and conditions to be put on the purchase invoice.


  • (String)

    Terms and conditions to be put on the purchase invoice.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 79

define_attribute :terms_and_conditions, String


Returns (Transaction Data, Card on File) - Options for flagging transactions as Customer or Merchant Initiated Unscheduled.


  • (Hash)

    (Transaction Data, Card on File) - Options for flagging transactions as Customer or Merchant Initiated Unscheduled.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 83

define_attribute :transaction, Hash


Returns An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports 'moto' value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.


  • (String)

    An optional type designation for the payment gateway transaction created by this request. Supports 'moto' value, which is the acronym for mail order and telephone transactions.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 87

define_attribute :transaction_type, String


Returns VAT reverse charge notes for cross border European tax settlement.


  • (String)

    VAT reverse charge notes for cross border European tax settlement.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/purchase_create.rb', line 91

define_attribute :vat_reverse_charge_notes, String