Class: Recurly::Requests::CouponCreate

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns To apply coupon to Items in your Catalog, include a list of `item_codes` in the request that the coupon will apply to. Or set value to true to apply to all Items in your Catalog. The following values are not permitted when `applies_to_all_items` is included: `free_trial_amount` and `free_trial_unit`.


  • (Boolean)

    To apply coupon to Items in your Catalog, include a list of `item_codes` in the request that the coupon will apply to. Or set value to true to apply to all Items in your Catalog. The following values are not permitted when `applies_to_all_items` is included: `free_trial_amount` and `free_trial_unit`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 11

define_attribute :applies_to_all_items, :Boolean


Returns The coupon is valid for all plans if true. If false then `plans` will list the applicable plans.


  • (Boolean)

    The coupon is valid for all plans if true. If false then `plans` will list the applicable plans.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 15

define_attribute :applies_to_all_plans, :Boolean


Returns The coupon is valid for one-time, non-plan charges if true.


  • (Boolean)

    The coupon is valid for one-time, non-plan charges if true.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 19

define_attribute :applies_to_non_plan_charges, :Boolean


Returns The code the customer enters to redeem the coupon.


  • (String)

    The code the customer enters to redeem the coupon.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 23

define_attribute :code, String


Returns Whether the coupon is “single_code” or “bulk”. Bulk coupons will require a `unique_code_template` and will generate unique codes through the `/generate` endpoint.


  • (String)

    Whether the coupon is “single_code” or “bulk”. Bulk coupons will require a `unique_code_template` and will generate unique codes through the `/generate` endpoint.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 27

define_attribute :coupon_type, String


Returns Fixed discount currencies by currency. Required if the coupon type is `fixed`. This parameter should contain the coupon discount values.


  • (Array[CouponPricing])

    Fixed discount currencies by currency. Required if the coupon type is `fixed`. This parameter should contain the coupon discount values

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 31

define_attribute :currencies, Array, { :item_type => :CouponPricing }


Returns The percent of the price discounted by the coupon. Required if `discount_type` is `percent`.


  • (Integer)

    The percent of the price discounted by the coupon. Required if `discount_type` is `percent`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 35

define_attribute :discount_percent, Integer


Returns The type of discount provided by the coupon (how the amount discounted is calculated).


  • (String)

    The type of discount provided by the coupon (how the amount discounted is calculated)

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 39

define_attribute :discount_type, String


Returns This field does not apply when the discount_type is `free_trial`. - “single_use” coupons applies to the first invoice only. - “temporal” coupons will apply to invoices for the duration determined by the `temporal_unit` and `temporal_amount` attributes. - “forever” coupons will apply to invoices forever.


  • (String)

    This field does not apply when the discount_type is `free_trial`. - “single_use” coupons applies to the first invoice only. - “temporal” coupons will apply to invoices for the duration determined by the `temporal_unit` and `temporal_amount` attributes. - “forever” coupons will apply to invoices forever.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 43

define_attribute :duration, String


Returns Sets the duration of time the `free_trial_unit` is for. Required if `discount_type` is `free_trial`.


  • (Integer)

    Sets the duration of time the `free_trial_unit` is for. Required if `discount_type` is `free_trial`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 47

define_attribute :free_trial_amount, Integer


Returns Description of the unit of time the coupon is for. Used with `free_trial_amount` to determine the duration of time the coupon is for. Required if `discount_type` is `free_trial`.


  • (String)

    Description of the unit of time the coupon is for. Used with `free_trial_amount` to determine the duration of time the coupon is for. Required if `discount_type` is `free_trial`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 51

define_attribute :free_trial_unit, String


Returns This description will show up when a customer redeems a coupon on your Hosted Payment Pages, or if you choose to show the description on your own checkout page.


  • (String)

    This description will show up when a customer redeems a coupon on your Hosted Payment Pages, or if you choose to show the description on your own checkout page.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 55

define_attribute :hosted_description, String


Returns Description of the coupon on the invoice.


  • (String)

    Description of the coupon on the invoice.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 59

define_attribute :invoice_description, String


Returns List of item codes to which this coupon applies. Sending `item_codes` is only permitted when `applies_to_all_items` is set to false. The following values are not permitted when `item_codes` is included: `free_trial_amount` and `free_trial_unit`.


  • (Array[String])

    List of item codes to which this coupon applies. Sending `item_codes` is only permitted when `applies_to_all_items` is set to false. The following values are not permitted when `item_codes` is included: `free_trial_amount` and `free_trial_unit`.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 63

define_attribute :item_codes, Array, { :item_type => String }


Returns A maximum number of redemptions for the coupon. The coupon will expire when it hits its maximum redemptions.


  • (Integer)

    A maximum number of redemptions for the coupon. The coupon will expire when it hits its maximum redemptions.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 67

define_attribute :max_redemptions, Integer


Returns Redemptions per account is the number of times a specific account can redeem the coupon. Set redemptions per account to `1` if you want to keep customers from gaming the system and getting more than one discount from the coupon campaign.


  • (Integer)

    Redemptions per account is the number of times a specific account can redeem the coupon. Set redemptions per account to `1` if you want to keep customers from gaming the system and getting more than one discount from the coupon campaign.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 71

define_attribute :max_redemptions_per_account, Integer


Returns The internal name for the coupon.


  • (String)

    The internal name for the coupon.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 75

define_attribute :name, String


Returns List of plan codes to which this coupon applies. Required if `applies_to_all_plans` is false. Overrides `applies_to_all_plans` when `applies_to_all_plans` is true.


  • (Array[String])

    List of plan codes to which this coupon applies. Required if `applies_to_all_plans` is false. Overrides `applies_to_all_plans` when `applies_to_all_plans` is true.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 79

define_attribute :plan_codes, Array, { :item_type => String }


Returns The date and time the coupon will expire and can no longer be redeemed. Time is always 11:59:59, the end-of-day Pacific time.


  • (String)

    The date and time the coupon will expire and can no longer be redeemed. Time is always 11:59:59, the end-of-day Pacific time.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 83

define_attribute :redeem_by_date, String


Returns Whether the discount is for all eligible charges on the account, or only a specific subscription.


  • (String)

    Whether the discount is for all eligible charges on the account, or only a specific subscription.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 87

define_attribute :redemption_resource, String


Returns If `duration` is “temporal” than `temporal_amount` is an integer which is multiplied by `temporal_unit` to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.


  • (Integer)

    If `duration` is “temporal” than `temporal_amount` is an integer which is multiplied by `temporal_unit` to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 91

define_attribute :temporal_amount, Integer


Returns If `duration` is “temporal” than `temporal_unit` is multiplied by `temporal_amount` to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.


  • (String)

    If `duration` is “temporal” than `temporal_unit` is multiplied by `temporal_amount` to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 95

define_attribute :temporal_unit, String


Returns On a bulk coupon, the template from which unique coupon codes are generated. - You must start the template with your coupon_code wrapped in single quotes. - Outside of single quotes, use a 9 for a character that you want to be a random number. - Outside of single quotes, use an “x” for a character that you want to be a random letter. - Outside of single quotes, use an * for a character that you want to be a random number or letter. - Use single quotes ' ' for characters that you want to remain static. These strings can be alphanumeric and may contain a - _ or +. For example: “'abc-'****'-def'”.


  • (String)

    On a bulk coupon, the template from which unique coupon codes are generated. - You must start the template with your coupon_code wrapped in single quotes. - Outside of single quotes, use a 9 for a character that you want to be a random number. - Outside of single quotes, use an “x” for a character that you want to be a random letter. - Outside of single quotes, use an * for a character that you want to be a random number or letter. - Use single quotes ' ' for characters that you want to remain static. These strings can be alphanumeric and may contain a - _ or +. For example: “'abc-'****'-def'”

# File 'lib/recurly/requests/coupon_create.rb', line 99

define_attribute :unique_code_template, String