Getting Started


This library is published on npm under the name recurly.

We recommend installing via the command line:

npm install recurly --save-prod

Or manually insert the dependency into the dependencies section of your package.json:

Note: We do try to strictly follow SemVer so locking to a major version should be safe.

  // ...
  "recurly" : "^4.58.0"
  // ...

Note: When upgrading, view the CHANGELOG to see what's changed.

Creating a client

A client object represents a connection to the Recurly API. The client implements each operation that can be performed in the API as a method.

To initialize a client, you only need an API key which can be obtained on the API Credentials Page.

To access Recurly API in Europe, you will need to specify the EU Region in the options.

Note: to import using typescript:


All operations are async and return promises (except the list* methods which return Pagers). You can handle the promises directly with then and catch or use await:

Creating Resources

For creating or updating resources, pass a plain object to one of the create* or update* methods.

Note: Keep in mind that the API accepts snake-cased keys but this library expects camel-cased keys. We do the translation for you so this library can conform to js style standards.


All list* methods on the client return a Pager. They are not async because they are lazy and do not make any network requests until they are iterated over. There are two methods on Pager that return async iterators each and eachPage:

  • each will give you an iterator over each item that matches your query.
  • eachPage will give you an iterator over each page that is returned. The result is an array of resources.

Efficiently Fetch the First or Last Resource

The Pager class implements a first method which allows you to fetch just the first or last resource from the server. On top of being a convenient abstraction, this is implemented efficiently by only asking the server for the 1 item you want.

If you want to fetch the last account in this scenario, invert the order from desc to asc

Counting Resources

The Pager class implements a count method which allows you to count the resources the pager would return. It does so by calling the endpoint with HEAD and parsing and returning the Recurly-Total-Records header. This method respects any filtering parameters you apply to the pager, but the sorting parameters will have no effect.

Error Handling

This library currently throws 1 primary class of exceptions, recurly.ApiError. The ApiError comes in a few flavors which help you determine what to do next. To see a full list, view the api_errors module.

HTTP Metadata

Sometimes you might want to get some additional information about the underlying HTTP request and response. Instead of returning this information directly and forcing the programmer to unwrap it, we inject this metadata into the top level resource that was returned. You can access the response by calling getResponse() on any Resource.

Warning: Do not log or render whole requests or responses as they may contain PII or sensitive data.

This also works on Empty responses:

And it can be captured on exceptions through the ApiError object:


Recurly can send webhooks to any publicly accessible server. When an event in Recurly triggers a webhook (e.g., an account is opened), Recurly will attempt to send this notification to the endpoint(s) you specify. You can specify up to 10 endpoints through the application. All notifications will be sent to all configured endpoints for your site.

See our product docs to learn more about webhooks and see our dev docs to learn about what payloads are available.

Although our API is now JSON, our webhook payloads are still formatted as XML for the time being. This library is not yet responsible for handling webhooks. If you do need webhooks, we recommend using a simple XML to Plain Object parser such as xml2js.

You can do this without dependencies, but you'll need to heed warnings about security concerns. Read more about the security implications of parsing untrusted XML in this OWASP cheatsheet.

Extends BaseClient

Client (apiKey)

parameter type description
apiKey string The private api key.

Instance Members

listSites (options)

List sites

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<Site> : A list of sites.


const sites = client.listSites({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const site of sites.each()) {

getSite (siteId, options)

Fetch a site

API docs:

parameter type description
siteId string Site ID or subdomain. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For subdomain use prefix subdomain- , e.g. subdomain-recurly .
options any = {}


Promise<Site> : A site.


try {
  const site = await client.getSite(siteId)
  console.log('Fetched site: ', site)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAccounts (options)

List a site's accounts

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC. string Filter for accounts with this exact email address. A blank value will return accounts with both null and "" email addresses. Note that multiple accounts can share one email address.
options.params.subscriber boolean Filter for accounts with or without a subscription in the active , canceled , or future state.
options.params.pastDue string Filter for accounts with an invoice in the past_due state.


Pager<Account> : A list of the site's accounts.


const accounts = client.listAccounts({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const account of accounts.each()) {

createAccount (body, options)

Create an account

API docs:

parameter type description
body AccountCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {AccountCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Account> : An account.


try {
  const accountCreate = {
    code: accountCode,
    firstName: 'Benjamin',
    lastName: 'Du Monde',
    preferredTimeZone: 'America/Chicago',
    address: {
      street1: '900 Camp St',
      city: 'New Orleans',
      region: 'LA',
      postalCode: '70115',
      country: 'US'
  const account = await client.createAccount(accountCreate)
  console.log('Created Account: ', account.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getAccount (accountId, options)

Fetch an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<Account> : An account.


try {
  const account = await client.getAccount(accountId)
  console.log('Fetched account: ', account.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateAccount (accountId, body, options)

Update an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body AccountUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {AccountUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Account> : An account.


try {
  const accountUpdate = {
    firstName: 'Aaron',
    lastName: 'Du Monde'
  const account = await client.updateAccount(accountId, accountUpdate)
  console.log('Updated account: ', account)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

deactivateAccount (accountId, options)

Deactivate an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<Account> : An account.


try {
  const account = await client.deactivateAccount(accountId)
  console.log('Deleted account: ', account.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err && err.type === 'not-found') {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
  // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
  throw err

getAccountAcquisition (accountId, options)

Fetch an account's acquisition data

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<AccountAcquisition> : An account's acquisition data.


try {
  const acquisition = await client.getAccountAcquisition(accountId)
  console.log('Fetched account acquisition: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateAccountAcquisition (accountId, body, options)

Update an account's acquisition data

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body AccountAcquisitionUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {AccountAcquisitionUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<AccountAcquisition> : An account's updated acquisition data.


try {
  const acquisitionUpdate = {
    campaign: "big-event-campaign",
    channel: "social_media",
    subchannel: "twitter"
  const accountAcquisition = await client.updateAccountAcquisition(accountId, acquisitionUpdate)
  console.log('Edited Account Acquisition: ', accountAcquisition)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removeAccountAcquisition (accountId, options)

Remove an account's acquisition data

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Acquisition data was succesfully deleted.


try {
  await client.removeAccountAcquisition(accountId)
  console.log('Removed account acquisition from account: ', accountId)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

reactivateAccount (accountId, options)

Reactivate an inactive account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<Account> : An account.


try {
  const account = await client.reactivateAccount(accountId)
  console.log('Reactivated account: ', account.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err && err.type === 'not_found') {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
  // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
  throw err

getAccountBalance (accountId, options)

Fetch an account's balance and past due status

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<AccountBalance> : An account's balance.


try {
  const balance = await client.getAccountBalance(accountId)
  console.log('Fetched account balance: ', balance.balances)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getBillingInfo (accountId, options)

Fetch an account's billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<BillingInfo> : An account's billing information.


try {
  const billingInfo = await client.getBillingInfo(accountId)
  console.log('Fetched Billing Info: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateBillingInfo (accountId, body, options)

Set an account's billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body BillingInfoCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {BillingInfoCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<BillingInfo> : Updated billing information.


try {
  const billingInfoUpdate = {
    firstName: 'Aaron',
    lastName: 'Du Monde',
  const billingInfo = await client.updateBillingInfo(accountId, billingInfoUpdate)
  console.log('Updated billing info: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removeBillingInfo (accountId, options)

Remove an account's billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Billing information deleted


try {
  console.log('Removed billing info from account: ', accountId)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

verifyBillingInfo (accountId, options)

Verify an account's credit card billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.body BillingInfoVerify The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {BillingInfoVerify}


Promise<Transaction> : Transaction information from verify.


try {
  const transaction = await client.verifyBillingInfo(accountId)
  console.log('Fetched Transaction: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

verifyBillingInfoCvv (accountId, body, options)

Verify an account's credit card billing cvv

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body BillingInfoVerifyCVV The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {BillingInfoVerifyCVV}
options any = {}


Promise<Transaction> : Transaction information from verify.

listBillingInfos (accountId, options)

Get the list of billing information associated with an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<BillingInfo> : A list of the the billing information for an account's

createBillingInfo (accountId, body, options)

Add new billing information on an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body BillingInfoCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {BillingInfoCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<BillingInfo> : Updated billing information.

getABillingInfo (accountId, billingInfoId, options)

Fetch a billing info

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
billingInfoId string Billing Info ID. Can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.
options any = {}


Promise<BillingInfo> : A billing info.

updateABillingInfo (accountId, billingInfoId, body, options)

Update an account's billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
billingInfoId string Billing Info ID. Can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.
body BillingInfoCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {BillingInfoCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<BillingInfo> : Updated billing information.

removeABillingInfo (accountId, billingInfoId, options)

Remove an account's billing information

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
billingInfoId string Billing Info ID. Can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Billing information deleted

listAccountCouponRedemptions (accountId, options)

List the coupon redemptions for an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<CouponRedemption> : A list of the the coupon redemptions on an account.


const redemptions = client.listAccountCouponRedemptions(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const redemption of redemptions.each()) {

listActiveCouponRedemptions (accountId, options)

List the coupon redemptions that are active on an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Pager<CouponRedemption> : Active coupon redemptions on an account.


const redemptions = await client.listActiveCouponRedemptions(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const redemption of redemptions.each()) {
  console.log('Fetched coupon redemption: ',

createCouponRedemption (accountId, body, options)

Generate an active coupon redemption on an account or subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body CouponRedemptionCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {CouponRedemptionCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<CouponRedemption> : Returns the new coupon redemption.

removeCouponRedemption (accountId, options)

Delete the active coupon redemption from an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<CouponRedemption> : Coupon redemption deleted.


try {
  const redemption = await client.removeCouponRedemption(accountId)
  console.log('Removed coupon redemption: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAccountCreditPayments (accountId, options)

List an account's credit payments

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<CreditPayment> : A list of the account's credit payments.


const payments = client.listAccountCreditPayments(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const payment of payments.each()) {

listAccountExternalAccount (accountId, options)

List external accounts for an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Pager<ExternalAccount> : A list of external accounts on an account.

createAccountExternalAccount (accountId, body, options)

Create an external account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body ExternalAccountCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalAccountCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalAccount> : A representation of the created external_account.

getAccountExternalAccount (accountId, externalAccountId, options)

Get an external account for an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
externalAccountId string External account ID, e.g. s28zov4fw0cb .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalAccount> : A external account on an account.

updateAccountExternalAccount (accountId, externalAccountId, body, options)

Update an external account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
externalAccountId string External account ID, e.g. s28zov4fw0cb .
body ExternalAccountUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalAccountUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalAccount> : A representation of the updated external_account.

deleteAccountExternalAccount (accountId, externalAccountId, options)

Delete an external account for an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
externalAccountId string External account ID, e.g. s28zov4fw0cb .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalAccount> : Successful Delete

listAccountExternalInvoices (accountId, options)

List the external invoices on an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.


Pager<ExternalInvoice> : A list of the the external_invoices on an account.

listAccountInvoices (accountId, options)

List an account's invoices

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.state string Invoice state.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type when:
  • type=charge, only charge invoices will be returned.
  • type=credit, only credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=non-legacy, only charge and credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=legacy, only legacy invoices will be returned.


Pager<Invoice> : A list of the account's invoices.


const invoices = client.listAccountInvoices(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const invoice of invoices.each()) {

createInvoice (accountId, body, options)

Create an invoice for pending line items

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body InvoiceCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {InvoiceCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the new invoices.


try {
  let invoiceCreate = {
    currency: 'USD',
    collectionMethod: 'automatic'
  let invoiceCollection = await client.createInvoice(accountId, invoiceCreate)
  console.log('Created Invoice')
  console.log('Charge Invoice: ', invoiceCollection.chargeInvoice)
  console.log('Credit Invoices: ', invoiceCollection.creditInvoices)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

previewInvoice (accountId, body, options)

Preview new invoice for pending line items

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body InvoiceCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {InvoiceCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the invoice previews.


try {
  const collection = await client.previewInvoice(accountId, {
    currency: "USD",
    collectionMethod: "automatic"
  console.log(`Previewed invoice due at ${collection.chargeInvoice.dueAt}`)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAccountLineItems (accountId, options)

List an account's line items

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.original string Filter by original field.
options.params.state string Filter by state field.
options.params.type string Filter by type field.


Pager<LineItem> : A list of the account's line items.


const lineItems = client.listAccountLineItems(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const lineItem of lineItems.each()) {

createLineItem (accountId, body, options)

Create a new line item for the account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body LineItemCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {LineItemCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<LineItem> : Returns the new line item.


try {
  let lineItemReq = {
    currency: 'USD',
    unitAmount: 1000,
    type: 'charge' // choose "credit" for a credit
  let lineItem = await client.createLineItem(accountId, lineItemReq)
  console.log('Created Line Item: ', lineItem.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAccountNotes (accountId, options)

List an account's notes

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.


Pager<AccountNote> : A list of an account's notes.


const notes = client.listAccountNotes(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const note of notes.each()) {

getAccountNote (accountId, accountNoteId, options)

Fetch an account note

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
accountNoteId string Account Note ID.
options any = {}


Promise<AccountNote> : An account note.


try {
  const note = await client.getAccountNote(accountId, accountNoteId)
  console.log('Fetched account note: ', note.message)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listShippingAddresses (accountId, options)

Fetch a list of an account's shipping addresses

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<ShippingAddress> : A list of an account's shipping addresses.


const addresses = client.listShippingAddresses(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const address of addresses.each()) {

createShippingAddress (accountId, body, options)

Create a new shipping address for the account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
body ShippingAddressCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ShippingAddressCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingAddress> : Returns the new shipping address.


try {
  const shippingAddressCreate = {
    firstName: 'Aaron',
    lastName: 'Du Monde',
    street1: '900 Camp St.',
    city: 'New Orleans',
    region: 'LA',
    postalCode: '70115',
    country: 'US'
  const address = await client.createShippingAddress(accountId, shippingAddressCreate)
  console.log('Created shipping address: ', address.street1)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getShippingAddress (accountId, shippingAddressId, options)

Fetch an account's shipping address

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
shippingAddressId string Shipping Address ID.
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingAddress> : A shipping address.


try {
  const address = await client.getShippingAddress(accountId, shippingAddressId)
  console.log('Fetched shipping address: ', address.street1)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateShippingAddress (accountId, shippingAddressId, body, options)

Update an account's shipping address

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
shippingAddressId string Shipping Address ID.
body ShippingAddressUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ShippingAddressUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingAddress> : The updated shipping address.


try {
  const shadUpdate = {
    firstName: "Benjamin",
    lastName: "Du Monde"
  const address = await client.updateShippingAddress(accountId, shippingAddressId, shadUpdate)
  console.log('Updated shipping address: ', address.street1)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removeShippingAddress (accountId, shippingAddressId, options)

Remove an account's shipping address

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
shippingAddressId string Shipping Address ID.
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Shipping address deleted.


try {
  await client.removeShippingAddress(accountId,
  console.log('Removed shipping address: ', shippingAddress.street1)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAccountSubscriptions (accountId, options)

List an account's subscriptions

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.
  • When state=active, state=canceled, state=expired, or state=future, subscriptions with states that match the query and only those subscriptions will be returned.
  • When state=in_trial, only subscriptions that have a trial_started_at date earlier than now and a trial_ends_at date later than now will be returned.
  • When state=live, only subscriptions that are in an active, canceled, or future state or are in trial will be returned.


Pager<Subscription> : A list of the account's subscriptions.


const subscriptions = client.listAccountSubscriptions(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const subscription of subscriptions.each()) {

listAccountTransactions (accountId, options)

List an account's transactions

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type field. The value payment will return both purchase and capture transactions.
options.params.success string Filter by success field.


Pager<Transaction> : A list of the account's transactions.


const transactions = client.listAccountTransactions(accountId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const transaction of transactions.each()) {

listChildAccounts (accountId, options)

List an account's child accounts

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC. string Filter for accounts with this exact email address. A blank value will return accounts with both null and "" email addresses. Note that multiple accounts can share one email address.
options.params.subscriber boolean Filter for accounts with or without a subscription in the active , canceled , or future state.
options.params.pastDue string Filter for accounts with an invoice in the past_due state.


Pager<Account> : A list of an account's child accounts.

listAccountAcquisition (options)

List a site's account acquisition data

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<AccountAcquisition> : A list of the site's account acquisition data.


const acquisitions = client.listAccountAcquisition({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const acquisition of acquisitions.each()) {

listCoupons (options)

List a site's coupons

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<Coupon> : A list of the site's coupons.


const coupons = client.listCoupons({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const coupon of coupons.each()) {

createCoupon (body, options)

Create a new coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
body CouponCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {CouponCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Coupon> : A new coupon.


try {
  const couponCreate = {
    name: "Promotional Coupon",
    code: couponCode,
    discount_type: "fixed",
    currencies: [{"currency": "USD", "discount": 10}],
  const coupon = await client.createCoupon(couponCreate)
  console.log('Created coupon: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getCoupon (couponId, options)

Fetch a coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
options any = {}


Promise<Coupon> : A coupon.


try {
  const coupon = await client.getCoupon(couponId)
  console.log('Fetched coupon: ', coupon.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateCoupon (couponId, body, options)

Update an active coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
body CouponUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {CouponUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Coupon> : The updated coupon.


try {
  const couponUpdate = {
    name: "New Coupon Name"
  const coupon = await client.updateCoupon(couponId, couponUpdate)
  console.log('Updated coupon: ', coupon)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

deactivateCoupon (couponId, options)

Expire a coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
options any = {}


Promise<Coupon> : The expired Coupon


try {
  const coupon = await client.deactivateCoupon(couponId)
  console.log('Deactivated coupon: ', coupon.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

generateUniqueCouponCodes (couponId, body, options)

Generate unique coupon codes

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
body CouponBulkCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {CouponBulkCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<UniqueCouponCodeParams> : A set of parameters that can be passed to the list_unique_coupon_codes endpoint to obtain only the newly generated UniqueCouponCodes .

restoreCoupon (couponId, body, options)

Restore an inactive coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
body CouponUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {CouponUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Coupon> : The restored coupon.

listUniqueCouponCodes (couponId, options)

List unique coupon codes associated with a bulk coupon

API docs:

parameter type description
couponId string Coupon ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-10off .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<UniqueCouponCode> : A list of unique coupon codes that were generated

listCreditPayments (options)

List a site's credit payments

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<CreditPayment> : A list of the site's credit payments.


const payments = client.listCreditPayments({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const payment of payments.each()) {

getCreditPayment (creditPaymentId, options)

Fetch a credit payment

API docs:

parameter type description
creditPaymentId string Credit Payment ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<CreditPayment> : A credit payment.

listCustomFieldDefinitions (options)

List a site's custom field definitions

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.relatedType string Filter by related type.


Pager<CustomFieldDefinition> : A list of the site's custom field definitions.


const definitions = client.listCustomFieldDefinitions({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const definition of definitions.each()) {

getCustomFieldDefinition (customFieldDefinitionId, options)

Fetch an custom field definition

API docs:

parameter type description
customFieldDefinitionId string Custom Field Definition ID
options any = {}


Promise<CustomFieldDefinition> : A custom field definition.


try {
  const definition = await client.getCustomFieldDefinition(definitionId)
  console.log('Fetched custom field definition: ', definition.displayName)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

createGeneralLedgerAccount (body, options)

Create a new general ledger account

API docs:

parameter type description
body GeneralLedgerAccountCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {GeneralLedgerAccountCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<GeneralLedgerAccount> : A new general ledger account.

listGeneralLedgerAccounts (options)

List a site's general ledger accounts

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.accountType string General Ledger Account type by which to filter the response.


Pager<GeneralLedgerAccount> : A list of the site's general ledger accounts.

getGeneralLedgerAccount (generalLedgerAccountId, options)

Fetch a general ledger account

API docs:

parameter type description
generalLedgerAccountId string General Ledger Account ID
options any = {}


Promise<GeneralLedgerAccount> : A general ledger account.

updateGeneralLedgerAccount (generalLedgerAccountId, body, options)

Update a general ledger account

API docs:

parameter type description
generalLedgerAccountId string General Ledger Account ID
body GeneralLedgerAccountUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {GeneralLedgerAccountUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<GeneralLedgerAccount> : The updated general ledger account.

getPerformanceObligation (performanceObligationId, options)

Get a single Performance Obligation.

API docs:

parameter type description
performanceObligationId string Performance Obligation id.
options any = {}


Promise<PerformanceObligation> : A single Performance Obligation.

getPerformanceObligations (options)

Get a site's Performance Obligations

API docs:

parameter type description
options any = {}


Pager<PerformanceObligation> : A list of Performance Obligations.

listInvoiceTemplateAccounts (invoiceTemplateId, options)

List an invoice template's associated accounts

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceTemplateId string Invoice template ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC. string Filter for accounts with this exact email address. A blank value will return accounts with both null and "" email addresses. Note that multiple accounts can share one email address.
options.params.subscriber boolean Filter for accounts with or without a subscription in the active , canceled , or future state.
options.params.pastDue string Filter for accounts with an invoice in the past_due state.


Pager<Account> : A list of an invoice template's associated accounts.

listItems (options)

List a site's items

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<Item> : A list of the site's items.


const items = client.listItems({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const item of items.each()) {

createItem (body, options)

Create a new item

API docs:

parameter type description
body ItemCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ItemCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Item> : A new item.


try {
  const itemCreate = {
    code: itemCode,
    name: "Item Name",
    description: "Item Description",
    external_sku: "a35JE-44",
    accounting_code: "item-code-127",
    revenue_schedule_type: "at_range_end",
    custom_fields: [{
      name: "custom-field-1",
      value: "Custom Field 1 value"
  const item = await client.createItem(itemCreate)
  console.log('Created Item: ', item.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getItem (itemId, options)

Fetch an item

API docs:

parameter type description
itemId string Item ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-red .
options any = {}


Promise<Item> : An item.


try {
  const item = await client.getItem(itemId)
  console.log('Fetched item: ', item.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateItem (itemId, body, options)

Update an active item

API docs:

parameter type description
itemId string Item ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-red .
body ItemUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ItemUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Item> : The updated item.


try {
  const itemUpdate = {
    name: 'New Item Name',
    description: 'New Item Description'
  const item = await client.updateItem(itemId, itemUpdate)
  console.log('Updated item: ', item)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

deactivateItem (itemId, options)

Deactivate an item

API docs:

parameter type description
itemId string Item ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-red .
options any = {}


Promise<Item> : An item.


try {
  const item = await client.deactivateItem(itemId)
  console.log('Deleted item: ', item.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err && err.type === 'not-found') {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
  // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
  throw err

reactivateItem (itemId, options)

Reactivate an inactive item

API docs:

parameter type description
itemId string Item ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-red .
options any = {}


Promise<Item> : An item.


try {
  const item = await client.reactivateItem(itemId)
  console.log('Reactivated item: ', item.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err && err.type === 'not_found') {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
  // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
  throw err

listMeasuredUnit (options)

List a site's measured units

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<MeasuredUnit> : A list of the site's measured units.

createMeasuredUnit (body, options)

Create a new measured unit

API docs:

parameter type description
body MeasuredUnitCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {MeasuredUnitCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<MeasuredUnit> : A new measured unit.

getMeasuredUnit (measuredUnitId, options)

Fetch a measured unit

API docs:

parameter type description
measuredUnitId string Measured unit ID or name. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For name use prefix name- , e.g. name-Storage .
options any = {}


Promise<MeasuredUnit> : An item.

updateMeasuredUnit (measuredUnitId, body, options)

Update a measured unit

API docs:

parameter type description
measuredUnitId string Measured unit ID or name. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For name use prefix name- , e.g. name-Storage .
body MeasuredUnitUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {MeasuredUnitUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<MeasuredUnit> : The updated measured_unit.

removeMeasuredUnit (measuredUnitId, options)

Remove a measured unit

API docs:

parameter type description
measuredUnitId string Measured unit ID or name. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For name use prefix name- , e.g. name-Storage .
options any = {}


Promise<MeasuredUnit> : A measured unit.

listExternalProducts (options)

List a site's external products

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<ExternalProduct> : A list of the the external_products on a site.

createExternalProduct (body, options)

Create an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
body ExternalProductCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalProductCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProduct> : Returns the external product

getExternalProduct (externalProductId, options)

Fetch an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProduct> : Settings for an external product.

updateExternalProduct (externalProductId, body, options)

Update an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
body ExternalProductUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalProductUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProduct> : Settings for an external product.

deactivateExternalProducts (externalProductId, options)

Deactivate an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProduct> : Deactivated external product.

listExternalProductExternalProductReferences (externalProductId, options)

List the external product references for an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<ExternalProductReferenceCollection> : A list of the the external product references for an external product.

createExternalProductExternalProductReference (externalProductId, body, options)

Create an external product reference on an external product

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
body ExternalProductReferenceCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalProductReferenceCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProductReferenceMini> : Details for the external product reference.

getExternalProductExternalProductReference (externalProductId, externalProductReferenceId, options)

Fetch an external product reference

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
externalProductReferenceId string External product reference ID, e.g. d39iun2fw1v4 .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProductReferenceMini> : Details for an external product reference.

deactivateExternalProductExternalProductReference (externalProductId, externalProductReferenceId, options)

Deactivate an external product reference

API docs:

parameter type description
externalProductId string External product id
externalProductReferenceId string External product reference ID, e.g. d39iun2fw1v4 .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalProductReferenceMini> : Details for an external product reference.

createExternalSubscription (body, options)

Create an external subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
body ExternalSubscriptionCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalSubscriptionCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalSubscription> : Returns the external subscription

listExternalSubscriptions (options)

List the external subscriptions on a site

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<ExternalSubscription> : A list of the the external_subscriptions on a site.

getExternalSubscription (externalSubscriptionId, options)

Fetch an external subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
externalSubscriptionId string External subscription ID, external_id or uuid. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For external_id use prefix external-id- , e.g. external-id-123456 and for uuid use prefix uuid- e.g. uuid-7293239bae62777d8c1ae044a9843633 .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalSubscription> : Settings for an external subscription.

putExternalSubscription (externalSubscriptionId, options)

Update an external subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
externalSubscriptionId string External subscription id
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.body ExternalSubscriptionUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalSubscriptionUpdate}


Promise<ExternalSubscription> : Settings for an external subscription.

listExternalSubscriptionExternalInvoices (externalSubscriptionId, options)

List the external invoices on an external subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
externalSubscriptionId string External subscription id
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.


Pager<ExternalInvoice> : A list of the the external_invoices on a site.

listInvoices (options)

List a site's invoices

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.state string Invoice state.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type when:
  • type=charge, only charge invoices will be returned.
  • type=credit, only credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=non-legacy, only charge and credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=legacy, only legacy invoices will be returned.


Pager<Invoice> : A list of the site's invoices.


const invoices = client.listInvoices({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const invoice of invoices.each()) {

getInvoice (invoiceId, options)

Fetch an invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : An invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.getInvoice(invoiceId)
  console.log('Fetched Invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateInvoice (invoiceId, body, options)

Update an invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
body InvoiceUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {InvoiceUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : An invoice.


try {
  const invoiceUpdate = {
    customerNotes: "New notes",
    termsAndConditions: "New terms and conditions"

  const invoice = await client.updateInvoice(invoiceId, invoiceUpdate)
  console.log('Edited invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getInvoicePdf (invoiceId, options)

Fetch an invoice as a PDF

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<BinaryFile> : An invoice as a PDF.


try {
  const invoice = await client.getInvoicePdf(invoiceId)
  console.log('Fetched Invoice: ', invoice)
  const filename = `${downloadDirectory}/nodeinvoice-${invoiceId}.pdf`
  await fs.writeFile(filename,, 'binary', (err) => {
    // throws an error, you could also catch it here
    if (err) throw err;

    // success case, the file was saved
    console.log('Saved Invoice PDF to', filename)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

applyCreditBalance (invoiceId, options)

Apply available credit to a pending or past due charge invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.applyCreditBalance(invoiceId)
  console.log('Applied credit balance to invoice: ', invoice)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

collectInvoice (invoiceId, options)

Collect a pending or past due, automatic invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.body InvoiceCollect The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {InvoiceCollect}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.collectInvoice(invoiceId)
  console.log('Collected invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

markInvoiceFailed (invoiceId, options)

Mark an open invoice as failed

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.markInvoiceFailed(invoiceId)
  console.log('Failed invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

markInvoiceSuccessful (invoiceId, options)

Mark an open invoice as successful

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.markInvoiceSuccessful(invoiceId)
  console.log(`Marked invoice #${invoice.number} successful`)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

reopenInvoice (invoiceId, options)

Reopen a closed, manual invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.reopenInvoice(invoiceId)
  console.log('Reopened invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

voidInvoice (invoiceId, options)

Void a credit invoice.

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : The updated invoice.


try {
  const invoice = await client.voidInvoice(invoiceId)
  console.log('Voided invoice: ', invoice)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

recordExternalTransaction (invoiceId, body, options)

Record an external payment for a manual invoices.

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
body ExternalTransaction The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ExternalTransaction}
options any = {}


Promise<Transaction> : The recorded transaction.


try {
  const externalTrx = {
    description: "A check collected outside of Recurly",
    amount: 10.0,
    payment_method: 'check'
  const transaction = await client.recordExternalTransaction(invoiceId, externalTrx)
  console.log('External Transaction: ', transaction)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listInvoiceLineItems (invoiceId, options)

List an invoice's line items

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.original string Filter by original field.
options.params.state string Filter by state field.
options.params.type string Filter by type field.


Pager<LineItem> : A list of the invoice's line items.


const lineItems = client.listInvoiceLineItems(invoiceId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const lineItem of lineItems.each()) {

listInvoiceCouponRedemptions (invoiceId, options)

List the coupon redemptions applied to an invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<CouponRedemption> : A list of the the coupon redemptions associated with the invoice.


const redemptions = client.listInvoiceCouponRedemptions(invoiceId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const redemption of redemptions.each()) {

listRelatedInvoices (invoiceId, options)

List an invoice's related credit or charge invoices

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
options any = {}


Pager<Invoice> : A list of the credit or charge invoices associated with the invoice.


const invoices = client.listRelatedInvoices(invoiceId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const invoice of invoices.each()) {

refundInvoice (invoiceId, body, options)

Refund an invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceId string Invoice ID or number. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For number use prefix number- , e.g. number-1000 .
body InvoiceRefund The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {InvoiceRefund}
options any = {}


Promise<Invoice> : Returns the new credit invoice.


try {
  const invoiceRefund = {
    creditCustomerNotes: "Notes on credits",
    type: "amount", // could also be "line_items"
    amount: 100

  const invoice = await client.refundInvoice(invoiceId, invoiceRefund)
  console.log('Refunded invoice: ', invoice.number)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listLineItems (options)

List a site's line items

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.original string Filter by original field.
options.params.state string Filter by state field.
options.params.type string Filter by type field.


Pager<LineItem> : A list of the site's line items.


const lineItems = client.listLineItems({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const item of lineItems.each()) {
  console.log(`Item ${} for ${item.amount}`)

getLineItem (lineItemId, options)

Fetch a line item

API docs:

parameter type description
lineItemId string Line Item ID.
options any = {}


Promise<LineItem> : A line item.


try {
  const lineItem = await client.getLineItem(lineItemId)
  console.log('Fetched line item: ', lineItem.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removeLineItem (lineItemId, options)

Delete an uninvoiced line item

API docs:

parameter type description
lineItemId string Line Item ID.
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Line item deleted.


try {
  await client.removeLineItem(lineItemId)
  console.log('Removed line item: ', lineItemId)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listPlans (options)

List a site's plans

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<Plan> : A list of plans.


const plans = client.listPlans({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const plan of plans.each()) {

createPlan (body, options)

Create a plan

API docs:

parameter type description
body PlanCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PlanCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Plan> : A plan.


try {
  const planCreate = {
    name: 'Monthly Coffee Subscription',
    code: planCode,
    currencies: [
        currency: 'USD',
        unitAmount: 10000
  const plan = await client.createPlan(planCreate)
  console.log('Created Plan: ', plan.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getPlan (planId, options)

Fetch a plan

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options any = {}


Promise<Plan> : A plan.


try {
  const plan = await client.getPlan(planId)
  console.log('Fetched plan: ', plan.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updatePlan (planId, body, options)

Update a plan

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
body PlanUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PlanUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Plan> : A plan.


try {
  const planUpdate = {
    name: 'New monthly coffee subscription'
  const plan = await client.updatePlan(planId, planUpdate)
  console.log('Updated plan: ', plan.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removePlan (planId, options)

Remove a plan

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options any = {}


Promise<Plan> : Plan deleted


try {
  const plan = await client.removePlan(planId)
  console.log('Removed plan: ', plan.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listPlanAddOns (planId, options)

List a plan's add-ons

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<AddOn> : A list of add-ons.


const addOns = client.listPlanAddOns(planId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const addOn of addOns.each()) {

createPlanAddOn (planId, body, options)

Create an add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
body AddOnCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {AddOnCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<AddOn> : An add-on.


try {
  const addOnCreate = {
    code: 'coffee_grinder',
    name: 'A quality grinder for your beans',
    defaultQuantity: 1,
    currencies: [
        currency: 'USD',
        unitAmount: 10000

  const addOn = await client.createPlanAddOn(planId, addOnCreate)
  console.log('Created add-on: ', addOn.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getPlanAddOn (planId, addOnId, options)

Fetch a plan's add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options any = {}


Promise<AddOn> : An add-on.


try {
  const addOn = await client.getPlanAddOn(planId, addOnId)
  console.log('Fetched add-on: ', addOn.code)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updatePlanAddOn (planId, addOnId, body, options)

Update an add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
body AddOnUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {AddOnUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<AddOn> : An add-on.


try {
  const addOnUpdate = {
    name: 'New AddOn Name',
  const addOn = await client.updatePlanAddOn(planId, addOnId, addOnUpdate)
  console.log('Updated add-on: ', addOn)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removePlanAddOn (planId, addOnId, options)

Remove an add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
planId string Plan ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options any = {}


Promise<AddOn> : Add-on deleted


try {
  const addOn = await client.removePlanAddOn(planId, addOnId)
  console.log('Removed plan add-on: ', addOn)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listAddOns (options)

List a site's add-ons

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.


Pager<AddOn> : A list of add-ons.


const addOns = client.listAddOns({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const addOn of addOns.each()) {

getAddOn (addOnId, options)

Fetch an add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options any = {}


Promise<AddOn> : An add-on.


try {
  const addOn = await client.getAddOn(addOnId)
  console.log('Fetched add-on: ', addOn)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

listShippingMethods (options)

List a site's shipping methods

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<ShippingMethod> : A list of the site's shipping methods.


const methods = client.listShippingMethods({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const method of methods.each()) {

createShippingMethod (body, options)

Create a new shipping method

API docs:

parameter type description
body ShippingMethodCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ShippingMethodCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingMethod> : A new shipping method.

getShippingMethod (shippingMethodId, options)

Fetch a shipping method

API docs:

parameter type description
shippingMethodId string Shipping Method ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-usps_2-day .
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingMethod> : A shipping method.

updateShippingMethod (shippingMethodId, body, options)

Update an active Shipping Method

API docs:

parameter type description
shippingMethodId string Shipping Method ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-usps_2-day .
body ShippingMethodUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {ShippingMethodUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingMethod> : The updated shipping method.

deactivateShippingMethod (shippingMethodId, options)

Deactivate a shipping method

API docs:

parameter type description
shippingMethodId string Shipping Method ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-usps_2-day .
options any = {}


Promise<ShippingMethod> : A shipping method.

listSubscriptions (options)

List a site's subscriptions

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.state string Filter by state.
  • When state=active, state=canceled, state=expired, or state=future, subscriptions with states that match the query and only those subscriptions will be returned.
  • When state=in_trial, only subscriptions that have a trial_started_at date earlier than now and a trial_ends_at date later than now will be returned.
  • When state=live, only subscriptions that are in an active, canceled, or future state or are in trial will be returned.


Pager<Subscription> : A list of the site's subscriptions.


const subscriptions = client.listSubscriptions({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const subscription of subscriptions.each()) {

createSubscription (body, options)

Create a new subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
body SubscriptionCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.


try {
  let subscriptionReq = {
    planCode: planCode,
    currency: `USD`,
    account: {
      code: accountCode
  let sub = await client.createSubscription(subscriptionReq)
  console.log('Created subscription: ', sub.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getSubscription (subscriptionId, options)

Fetch a subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.


try {
  const subscription = await client.getSubscription(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Fetched subscription: ', subscription.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

updateSubscription (subscriptionId, body, options)

Update a subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
body SubscriptionUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.


try {
  const update = {
    termsAndConditions: "Some new terms and conditions",
    customerNotes: "Some new customer notes"
  const subscription = await client.updateSubscription(subscriptionId, update)
  console.log('Modified subscription: ', subscription.uuid)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

terminateSubscription (subscriptionId, options)

Terminate a subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.refund string The type of refund to perform:
  • full - Performs a full refund of the last invoice for the current subscription term.
  • partial - Prorates a refund based on the amount of time remaining in the current bill cycle.
  • none - Terminates the subscription without a refund.

In the event that the most recent invoice is a $0 invoice paid entirely by credit, Recurly will apply the credit back to the customer’s account.

You may also terminate a subscription with no refund and then manually refund specific invoices.

options.params.charge boolean Applicable only if the subscription has usage based add-ons and unbilled usage logged for the current billing cycle. If true, current billing cycle unbilled usage is billed on the final invoice. If false, Recurly will create a negative usage record for current billing cycle usage that will zero out the final invoice line items.


Promise<Subscription> : An expired subscription.


try {
  const subscription = await client.terminateSubscription(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Terminated subscription: ', subscription.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

cancelSubscription (subscriptionId, options)

Cancel a subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.body SubscriptionCancel The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionCancel}


Promise<Subscription> : A canceled or failed subscription.


try {
  let expiredSub = await client.cancelSubscription(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Canceled Subscription: ', expiredSub.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

reactivateSubscription (subscriptionId, options)

Reactivate a canceled subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : An active subscription.


try {
  const subscription = await client.reactivateSubscription(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Reactivated subscription: ', subscription.uuid)
} catch(err) {

  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

pauseSubscription (subscriptionId, body, options)

Pause subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
body SubscriptionPause The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionPause}
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.


try {
  let pauseReq = {
    remaining_pause_cycles: 2,
  const subscription = await client.pauseSubscription(subscriptionId, pauseReq)
  console.log('Paused subscription: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

resumeSubscription (subscriptionId, options)

Resume subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.


try {
  const subscription = await client.resumeSubscription(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Resumed subscription: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

convertTrial (subscriptionId, options)

Convert trial subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Subscription> : A subscription.

getPreviewRenewal (subscriptionId, options)

Fetch a preview of a subscription's renewal invoice(s)

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : A preview of the subscription's renewal invoice(s).


try {
  const invoiceCollection = await client.getPreviewRenewal(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Fetched Renewal Preview with total: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getSubscriptionChange (subscriptionId, options)

Fetch a subscription's pending change

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<SubscriptionChange> : A subscription's pending change.


try {
  const change = await client.getSubscriptionChange(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Fetched subscription change: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

createSubscriptionChange (subscriptionId, body, options)

Create a new subscription change

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
body SubscriptionChangeCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionChangeCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<SubscriptionChange> : A subscription change.


try {
  const subscriptionChangeCreate = {
    planCode: newPlanCode,
    timeframe: 'now'

  const change = await client.createSubscriptionChange(subscriptionId, subscriptionChangeCreate)
  console.log('Created subscription change: ',
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

removeSubscriptionChange (subscriptionId, options)

Delete the pending subscription change

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Subscription change was deleted.


try {
  await client.removeSubscriptionChange(subscriptionId)
  console.log('Removed subscription change: ', subscriptionId)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

previewSubscriptionChange (subscriptionId, body, options)

Preview a new subscription change

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
body SubscriptionChangeCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {SubscriptionChangeCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<SubscriptionChange> : A subscription change.

listSubscriptionInvoices (subscriptionId, options)

List a subscription's invoices

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.state string Invoice state.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type when:
  • type=charge, only charge invoices will be returned.
  • type=credit, only credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=non-legacy, only charge and credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=legacy, only legacy invoices will be returned.


Pager<Invoice> : A list of the subscription's invoices.


const invoices = client.listSubscriptionInvoices(subscriptionId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const invoice of invoices.each()) {

listSubscriptionLineItems (subscriptionId, options)

List a subscription's line items

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.original string Filter by original field.
options.params.state string Filter by state field.
options.params.type string Filter by type field.


Pager<LineItem> : A list of the subscription's line items.


const lineItems = client.listSubscriptionLineItems(subscriptionId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const lineItem of lineItems.each()) {

listSubscriptionCouponRedemptions (subscriptionId, options)

List the coupon redemptions for a subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.


Pager<CouponRedemption> : A list of the the coupon redemptions on a subscription.


const redemptions = client.listSubscriptionCouponRedemptions(subscriptionId, { params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const redemption of redemptions.each()) {

listUsage (subscriptionId, addOnId, options)

List a subscription add-on's usage records

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by usage_timestamp in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=usage_timestamp or sort=recorded_timestamp . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=usage_timestamp or sort=recorded_timestamp . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.billingStatus string Filter by usage record's billing status


Pager<Usage> : A list of the subscription add-on's usage records.

createUsage (subscriptionId, addOnId, body, options)

Log a usage record on this subscription add-on

API docs:

parameter type description
subscriptionId string Subscription ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
addOnId string Add-on ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-gold .
body UsageCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {UsageCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Usage> : The created usage record.

getUsage (usageId, options)

Get a usage record

API docs:

parameter type description
usageId string Usage Record ID.
options any = {}


Promise<Usage> : The usage record.

updateUsage (usageId, body, options)

Update a usage record

API docs:

parameter type description
usageId string Usage Record ID.
body UsageCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {UsageCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<Usage> : The updated usage record.

removeUsage (usageId, options)

Delete a usage record.

API docs:

parameter type description
usageId string Usage Record ID.
options any = {}


Promise<Empty> : Usage was successfully deleted.

listTransactions (options)

List a site's transactions

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type field. The value payment will return both purchase and capture transactions.
options.params.success string Filter by success field.


Pager<Transaction> : A list of the site's transactions.


const transactions = client.listTransactions({ params: { limit: 200 } })

for await (const transaction of transactions.each()) {

getTransaction (transactionId, options)

Fetch a transaction

API docs:

parameter type description
transactionId string Transaction ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<Transaction> : A transaction.


try {
  const transaction = await client.getTransaction(transactionId)
  console.log('Fetched transaction: ', transaction.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.NotFoundError) {
    // If the request was not found, you may want to alert the user or
    // just return null
    console.log('Resource Not Found')
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

getUniqueCouponCode (uniqueCouponCodeId, options)

Fetch a unique coupon code

API docs:

parameter type description
uniqueCouponCodeId string Unique Coupon Code ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-abc-8dh2-def .
options any = {}


Promise<UniqueCouponCode> : A unique coupon code.

deactivateUniqueCouponCode (uniqueCouponCodeId, options)

Deactivate a unique coupon code

API docs:

parameter type description
uniqueCouponCodeId string Unique Coupon Code ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-abc-8dh2-def .
options any = {}


Promise<UniqueCouponCode> : A unique coupon code.

reactivateUniqueCouponCode (uniqueCouponCodeId, options)

Restore a unique coupon code

API docs:

parameter type description
uniqueCouponCodeId string Unique Coupon Code ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-abc-8dh2-def .
options any = {}


Promise<UniqueCouponCode> : A unique coupon code.

createPurchase (body, options)

Create a new purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
body PurchaseCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PurchaseCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the new invoices


try {
  let purchaseReq = {
    currency: 'USD',
    account: {
      code: accountCode,
      firstName: 'Benjamin',
      lastName: 'Du Monde',
      billingInfo: {
        tokenId: rjsTokenId
    subscriptions: [
      { planCode: planCode },
  let invoiceCollection = await client.createPurchase(purchaseReq)
  console.log('Created Charge Invoice: ', invoiceCollection.chargeInvoice)
  console.log('Created Credit Invoices: ', invoiceCollection.creditInvoices)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

previewPurchase (body, options)

Preview a new purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
body PurchaseCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PurchaseCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns preview of the new invoices


try {
  let purchaseReq = {
    currency: 'USD',
    account: {
      firstName: 'Benjamin',
      lastName: 'Du Monde',
      code: accountCode,
      billingInfo: {
        tokenId: rjsTokenId
    subscriptions: [
      { planCode: planCode },
  let invoiceCollection = await client.previewPurchase(purchaseReq)
  console.log('Preview Charge Invoice: ', invoiceCollection.chargeInvoice)
  console.log('Preview Credit Invoices: ', invoiceCollection.creditInvoices)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

createPendingPurchase (body, options)

Create a pending purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
body PurchaseCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PurchaseCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the pending invoice


try {
  const purchaseReq = {
    currency: 'EUR',
    account: {
      code: accountCode,
      email: '',
      billingInfo: {
        firstName: 'Benjamin',
        lastName: 'Du Monde',
        onlineBankingPaymentType: 'ideal'
    lineItems: [
        currency: 'EUR',
        unitAmount: 1000,
        type: 'charge'
  const invoiceCollection = await client.createPendingPurchase(purchaseReq)
  console.log('Created ChargeInvoice with UUID: ', invoiceCollection.chargeInvoice.uuid)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.errors.ValidationError) {
    // If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
    // why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
    console.log('Failed validation', err.params)
  } else {
    // If we don't know what to do with the err, we should
    // probably re-raise and let our web framework and logger handle it
    console.log('Unknown Error: ', err)

createAuthorizePurchase (body, options)

Authorize a purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
body PurchaseCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {PurchaseCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the authorize invoice

createCapturePurchase (transactionId, options)

Capture a purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
transactionId string Transaction ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the captured invoice

cancelpurchase (transactionId, options)

Cancel Purchase

API docs:

parameter type description
transactionId string Transaction ID or UUID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For UUID use prefix uuid- , e.g. uuid-123457890 .
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceCollection> : Returns the cancelled invoice

getExportDates (options)

List the dates that have an available export to download.

API docs:

parameter type description
options any = {}


Promise<ExportDates> : Returns a list of dates.


try {
  const export_dates = await client.getExportDates()
  export_dates.dates.forEach(date => {
    console.log(`Exports are available for: ${date}`)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.ApiError) {
    console.log('Unexpected error', err)

getExportFiles (exportDate, options)

List of the export files that are available to download.

API docs:

parameter type description
exportDate string Date for which to get a list of available automated export files. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
options any = {}


Promise<ExportFiles> : Returns a list of export files to download.


try {
  const export_files = await client.getExportFiles(export_date)
  export_files.files.forEach(file => {
    console.log(`Export file download URL: ${file.href}`)
} catch (err) {
  if (err instanceof recurly.ApiError) {
    console.log('Unexpected error', err)

listDunningCampaigns (options)

List the dunning campaigns for a site

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<DunningCampaign> : A list of the the dunning_campaigns on an account.

getDunningCampaign (dunningCampaignId, options)

Fetch a dunning campaign

API docs:

parameter type description
dunningCampaignId string Dunning Campaign ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
options any = {}


Promise<DunningCampaign> : Settings for a dunning campaign.

putDunningCampaignBulkUpdate (dunningCampaignId, body, options)

Assign a dunning campaign to multiple plans

API docs:

parameter type description
dunningCampaignId string Dunning Campaign ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
body DunningCampaignsBulkUpdate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {DunningCampaignsBulkUpdate}
options any = {}


Promise<DunningCampaignsBulkUpdateResponse> : A list of updated plans.

listInvoiceTemplates (options)

Show the invoice templates for a site

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<InvoiceTemplate> : A list of the the invoice templates on a site.

getInvoiceTemplate (invoiceTemplateId, options)

Fetch an invoice template

API docs:

parameter type description
invoiceTemplateId string Invoice template ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options any = {}


Promise<InvoiceTemplate> : Settings for an invoice template.

listExternalInvoices (options)

List the external invoices on a site

API docs:

parameter type description
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.


Pager<ExternalInvoice> : A list of the the external_invoices on a site.

showExternalInvoice (externalInvoiceId, options)

Fetch an external invoice

API docs:

parameter type description
externalInvoiceId string External invoice ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalInvoice> : Returns the external invoice

listExternalSubscriptionExternalPaymentPhases (externalSubscriptionId, options)

List the external payment phases on an external subscription

API docs:

parameter type description
externalSubscriptionId string External subscription id
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.


Pager<ExternalPaymentPhase> : A list of the the external_payment_phases on a site.

getExternalSubscriptionExternalPaymentPhase (externalSubscriptionId, externalPaymentPhaseId, options)

Fetch an external payment phase

API docs:

parameter type description
externalSubscriptionId string External subscription id
externalPaymentPhaseId string External payment phase ID, e.g. a34ypb2ef9w1 .
options any = {}


Promise<ExternalPaymentPhase> : Details for an external payment phase.

listEntitlements (accountId, options)

List entitlements granted to an account

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.state string Filter the entitlements based on the state of the applicable subscription.
  • When state=active, state=canceled, state=expired, or state=future, subscriptions with states that match the query and only those subscriptions will be returned.
  • When no state is provided, subscriptions with active or canceled states will be returned.


Pager<Entitlements> : A list of the entitlements granted to an account.

listAccountExternalSubscriptions (accountId, options)

List an account's external subscriptions

API docs:

parameter type description
accountId string Account ID or code. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-bob .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.


Pager<ExternalSubscription> : A list of the the external_subscriptions on an account.

getBusinessEntity (businessEntityId, options)

Fetch a business entity

API docs:

parameter type description
businessEntityId string Business Entity ID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-entity1 .
options any = {}


Promise<BusinessEntity> : Business entity details

listBusinessEntities (options)

List business entities

API docs:

parameter type description
options any = {}


Pager<BusinessEntity> : List of all business entities on your site.

listGiftCards (options)

List gift cards

API docs:

parameter type description
options any = {}


Pager<GiftCard> : List of all created gift cards on your site.

createGiftCard (body, options)

Create gift card

API docs:

parameter type description
body GiftCardCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {GiftCardCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<GiftCard> : Returns the gift card

getGiftCard (giftCardId, options)

Fetch a gift card

API docs:

parameter type description
giftCardId string Gift Card ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
options any = {}


Promise<GiftCard> : Gift card details

previewGiftCard (body, options)

Preview gift card

API docs:

parameter type description
body GiftCardCreate The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {GiftCardCreate}
options any = {}


Promise<GiftCard> : Returns the gift card

redeemGiftCard (redemptionCode, body, options)

Redeem gift card

API docs:

parameter type description
redemptionCode string Gift Card redemption code, e.g., N1A2T8IRXSCMO40V .
body GiftCardRedeem The object representing the JSON request to send to the server. It should conform to the schema of {GiftCardRedeem}
options any = {}


Promise<GiftCard> : Redeems and returns the gift card

listBusinessEntityInvoices (businessEntityId, options)

List a business entity's invoices

API docs:

parameter type description
businessEntityId string Business Entity ID. For ID no prefix is used e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 . For code use prefix code- , e.g. code-entity1 .
options Object = {} Optional configurations for the request
options.params Object The optional url parameters for this request.
options.params.ids Array<string> Filter results by their IDs. Up to 200 IDs can be passed at once using commas as separators, e.g. ids=h1at4d57xlmy,gyqgg0d3v9n1,jrsm5b4yefg6 .

Important notes:

  • The ids parameter cannot be used with any other ordering or filtering parameters (limit, order, sort, begin_time, end_time, etc)
  • Invalid or unknown IDs will be ignored, so you should check that the results correspond to your request.
  • Records are returned in an arbitrary order. Since results are all returned at once you can sort the records yourself.
options.params.state string Invoice state.
options.params.limit number Limit number of records 1-200.
options.params.order string Sort order.
options.params.sort string Sort field. You really only want to sort by updated_at in ascending order. In descending order updated records will move behind the cursor and could prevent some records from being returned.
options.params.beginTime Date Inclusively filter by begin_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.endTime Date Inclusively filter by end_time when sort=created_at or sort=updated_at . Note: this value is an ISO8601 timestamp. A partial timestamp that does not include a time zone will default to UTC.
options.params.type string Filter by type when:
  • type=charge, only charge invoices will be returned.
  • type=credit, only credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=non-legacy, only charge and credit invoices will be returned.
  • type=legacy, only legacy invoices will be returned.


Pager<Invoice> : A list of the business entity's invoices.


This file is automatically created by Recurly's OpenAPI generation process and thus any edits you make by hand will be lost. If you wish to make a change to this file, please create a Github issue explaining the changes you need and we will usher them to the appropriate places.


This file is automatically created by Recurly's OpenAPI generation process and thus any edits you make by hand will be lost. If you wish to make a change to this file, please create a Github issue explaining the changes you need and we will usher them to the appropriate places.

Response ()

This class contains the metadata from the HTTP response from Recurly.

property type description
request Request : The request responsible for this response.
body Object : The parsed JSON response body.
statusCode number : The HTTP status code.
contentType string : The HTTP content type.
requestId string : The unique id Recurly assigned to this request. Keep this for support.
rateLimit number : The max rate limit.
rateLimitRemaining number : The number of requests remaining until limit is reached.
rateLimitReset Date : The datetime in which the rate limiter will be reset.
apiDeprecated boolean : true if you are using a deprecated version of the API.
apiSunsetDate string : The date in which this version will be sunset.
date string : The date time from the server.
proxyMetadata Object : Metadata from the proxy (e.g. cloudflare). Can be useful for debugging.

Request (method, path, body)

This class contains the metadata from the HTTP request sent to Recurly.

parameter type description
method string The HTTP method of the request.
path string The path of the request.
body Object = null The JSON body of the request (optional).

Pager (client, path, options)

The class responsible for pagination.

parameter type description
client Client
path string
options Object

Instance Members

eachPage ()

Returns an async iterator over each page of results.

each ()

Returns an async iterator over each resource in results.

count ()

Count the number of resources that match this Pager's filters


Number : The count of resources

first ()

Return only the first item. This is efficient because it tells the server to only return 1 item. You can also use this method to get the last resource by inverting the order parameter.


Object : The first resource in the list

getResponse ()

This allows you to inspect the underlying HTTP metadata which created this resoource.


Response : The underlying HTTP response.

getCompiledSchema ()

Holds a cached copy of the compiled Schema object for this Resource.

cast (v)

Can cast a plain js Object to a Resource of this class type

parameter type description
v Object The plain js Object to cast
Extends Resource

Empty ()

A special resource for an empty response


This file is automatically created by Recurly's OpenAPI generation process and thus any edits you make by hand will be lost. If you wish to make a change to this file, please create a Github issue explaining the changes you need and we will usher them to the appropriate places.

Account ()


Type: Object

property type description
address Address
billTo string : An enumerable describing the billing behavior of the account, specifically whether the account is self-paying or will rely on the parent account to pay.
billingInfo BillingInfo
ccEmails string : Additional email address that should receive account correspondence. These should be separated only by commas. These CC emails will receive all emails that the email field also receives.
code string : The unique identifier of the account. This cannot be changed once the account is created.
company string
createdAt Date : When the account was created.
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
deletedAt Date : If present, when the account was last marked inactive.
dunningCampaignId string : Unique ID to identify a dunning campaign. Used to specify if a non-default dunning campaign should be assigned to this account. For sites without multiple dunning campaigns enabled, the default dunning campaign will always be used.
email string : The email address used for communicating with this customer. The customer will also use this email address to log into your hosted account management pages. This value does not need to be unique.
entityUseCode string : The Avalara AvaTax value that can be passed to identify the customer type for tax purposes. The range of values can be A - R (more info at Avalara). Value is case-sensitive.
exemptionCertificate string : The tax exemption certificate number for the account. If the merchant has an integration for the Vertex tax provider, this optional value will be sent in any tax calculation requests for the account.
externalAccounts Array<ExternalAccount> : The external accounts belonging to this account
firstName string
hasActiveSubscription boolean : Indicates if the account has an active subscription.
hasCanceledSubscription boolean : Indicates if the account has a canceled subscription.
hasFutureSubscription boolean : Indicates if the account has a future subscription.
hasLiveSubscription boolean : Indicates if the account has a subscription that is either active, canceled, future, or paused.
hasPastDueInvoice boolean : Indicates if the account has a past due invoice.
hasPausedSubscription boolean : Indicates if the account has a paused subscription.
hostedLoginToken string : The unique token for automatically logging the account in to the hosted management pages. You may automatically log the user into their hosted management pages by directing the user to: https://{subdomain}{hosted_login_token} .
id string
invoiceTemplateId string : Unique ID to identify an invoice template. Available when the site is on a Pro or Elite plan. Used to specify if a non-default invoice template will be used to generate invoices for the account. For sites without multiple invoice templates enabled, the default template will always be used.
lastName string
object string : Object type
overrideBusinessEntityId string : Unique ID to identify the business entity assigned to the account. Available when the Multiple Business Entities feature is enabled.
parentAccountId string : The UUID of the parent account associated with this account.
preferredLocale string : Used to determine the language and locale of emails sent on behalf of the merchant to the customer.
preferredTimeZone string : The IANA time zone name used to determine the time zone of emails sent on behalf of the merchant to the customer.
shippingAddresses Array<ShippingAddress> : The shipping addresses on the account.
state string : Accounts can be either active or inactive.
taxExempt boolean : The tax status of the account. true exempts tax on the account, false applies tax on the account.
updatedAt Date : When the account was last changed.
username string : A secondary value for the account.
vatNumber string : The VAT number of the account (to avoid having the VAT applied). This is only used for manually collected invoices.


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AccountAcquisition ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
campaign string : An arbitrary identifier for the marketing campaign that led to the acquisition of this account.
channel string : The channel through which the account was acquired.
cost AccountAcquisitionCost : Account balance
createdAt Date : When the account acquisition data was created.
id string
object string : Object type
subchannel string : An arbitrary subchannel string representing a distinction/subcategory within a broader channel.
updatedAt Date : When the account acquisition data was last changed.


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AccountAcquisitionCost ()


Type: Object

property type description
amount number : The amount of the corresponding currency used to acquire the account.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


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AccountBalance ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
balances Array<AccountBalanceAmount>
object string : Object type
pastDue boolean


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AccountBalanceAmount ()


Type: Object

property type description
amount number : Total amount the account is past due.
availableCreditAmount number : Total amount of the open balances on credit invoices for the account.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
processingPrepaymentAmount number : Total amount for the prepayment credit invoices in a processing state on the account.


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AccountMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
billTo string
code string : The unique identifier of the account.
company string
dunningCampaignId string : Unique ID to identify a dunning campaign. Used to specify if a non-default dunning campaign should be assigned to this account. For sites without multiple dunning campaigns enabled, the default dunning campaign will always be used.
email string : The email address used for communicating with this customer.
firstName string
id string
lastName string
object string : Object type
parentAccountId string


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AccountNote ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountId string
createdAt Date
id string
message string
object string : Object type
user User


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AddOn ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountingCode string : Accounting code for invoice line items for this add-on. If no value is provided, it defaults to add-on's code.
addOnType string : Whether the add-on type is fixed, or usage-based.
avalaraServiceType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the add-on is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
avalaraTransactionType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the add-on is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
code string : The unique identifier for the add-on within its plan.
createdAt Date : Created at
currencies Array<AddOnPricing> : Add-on pricing
defaultQuantity number : Default quantity for the hosted pages.
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
displayQuantity boolean : Determines if the quantity field is displayed on the hosted pages for the add-on.
externalSku string : Optional, stock keeping unit to link the item to other inventory systems.
id string : Add-on ID
item ItemMini : Just the important parts.
liabilityGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
measuredUnitId string : System-generated unique identifier for an measured unit associated with the add-on.
name string : Describes your add-on and will appear in subscribers' invoices.
object string : Object type
optional boolean : Whether the add-on is optional for the customer to include in their purchase on the hosted payment page. If false, the add-on will be included when a subscription is created through the Recurly UI. However, the add-on will not be included when a subscription is created through the API.
percentageTiers Array<PercentageTiersByCurrency> : This feature is currently in development and requires approval and enablement, please contact support.
performanceObligationId string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
planId string : Plan ID
revenueGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
revenueScheduleType string : When this add-on is invoiced, the line item will use this revenue schedule. If item_code / item_id is part of the request then revenue_schedule_type must be absent in the request as the value will be set from the item.
state string : Add-ons can be either active or inactive.
taxCode string : Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly's In-the-Box tax solution to determine taxation rules. You can pass in specific tax codes using any of these tax integrations. For Recurly's In-the-Box tax offering you can also choose to instead use simple values of unknown , physical , or digital tax codes. If item_code / item_id is part of the request then tax_code must be absent.
tierType string : The pricing model for the add-on. For more information, click here . See our Guide for an overview of how to configure quantity-based pricing models.
tiers Array<Tier> : Tiers
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
usageCalculationType string : The type of calculation to be employed for an add-on. Cumulative billing will sum all usage records created in the current billing cycle. Last-in-period billing will apply only the most recent usage record in the billing period. If no value is specified, cumulative billing will be used.
usagePercentage number : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0.
usageTimeframe string : The time at which usage totals are reset for billing purposes.
usageType string : Type of usage, returns usage type if add_on_type is usage .


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AddOnMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountingCode string : Accounting code for invoice line items for this add-on. If no value is provided, it defaults to add-on's code.
addOnType string : Whether the add-on type is fixed, or usage-based.
code string : The unique identifier for the add-on within its plan.
externalSku string : Optional, stock keeping unit to link the item to other inventory systems.
id string : Add-on ID
itemId string : Item ID
measuredUnitId string : System-generated unique identifier for an measured unit associated with the add-on.
name string : Describes your add-on and will appear in subscribers' invoices.
object string : Object type
usagePercentage number : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0.
usageType string : Type of usage, returns usage type if add_on_type is usage .


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AddOnPricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
taxInclusive boolean : This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.
unitAmount number : Allows up to 2 decimal places. Required unless unit_amount_decimal is provided.
unitAmountDecimal string : Allows up to 9 decimal places. Only supported when add_on_type = usage . If unit_amount_decimal is provided, unit_amount cannot be provided.


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Address ()


Type: Object

property type description
city string : City
country string : Country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
geoCode string : Code that represents a geographic entity (location or object). Only returned for Sling Vertex Integration
phone string : Phone number
postalCode string : Zip or postal code.
region string : State or province.
street1 string : Street 1
street2 string : Street 2


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AddressWithName ()


Type: Object

property type description
city string : City
country string : Country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
firstName string : First name
geoCode string : Code that represents a geographic entity (location or object). Only returned for Sling Vertex Integration
lastName string : Last name
phone string : Phone number
postalCode string : Zip or postal code.
region string : State or province.
street1 string : Street 1
street2 string : Street 2


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BillingInfo ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountId string
address Address
backupPaymentMethod boolean : The backup_payment_method field is used to indicate a billing info as a backup on the account that will be tried if the initial billing info used for an invoice is declined.
company string
createdAt Date : When the billing information was created.
firstName string
fraud FraudInfo : Most recent fraud result.
id string
lastName string
object string : Object type
paymentMethod PaymentMethod
primaryPaymentMethod boolean : The primary_payment_method field is used to indicate the primary billing info on the account. The first billing info created on an account will always become primary. This payment method will be used
updatedAt Date : When the billing information was last changed.
updatedBy BillingInfoUpdatedBy
valid boolean
vatNumber string : Customer's VAT number (to avoid having the VAT applied). This is only used for automatically collected invoices.


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BillingInfoUpdatedBy ()


Type: Object

property type description
country string : Country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code matching the origin IP address, if known by Recurly.
ip string : Customer's IP address when updating their billing information.


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BinaryFile ()


Type: Object

property type description
data string


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BusinessEntity ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : The entity code of the business entity.
createdAt Date : Created at
defaultLiabilityGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
defaultRegistrationNumber string : Registration number for the customer used on the invoice.
defaultRevenueGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
defaultVatNumber string : VAT number for the customer used on the invoice.
destinationTaxAddressSource string : The source of the address that will be used as the destinaion in determining taxes. Available only when the site is on an Elite plan. A value of "destination" refers to the "Customer tax address". A value of "origin" refers to the "Business entity tax address".
id string : Business entity ID
invoiceDisplayAddress Address : Address information for the business entity that will appear on the invoice.
name string : This name describes your business entity and will appear on the invoice.
object string : Object type
originTaxAddressSource string : The source of the address that will be used as the origin in determining taxes. Available only when the site is on an Elite plan. A value of "origin" refers to the "Business entity tax address". A value of "destination" refers to the "Customer tax address".
subscriberLocationCountries Array<string> : List of countries for which the business entity will be used.
taxAddress Address : Address information for the business entity that will be used for calculating taxes.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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BusinessEntityMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : The entity code of the business entity.
id string : Business entity ID
name string : This name describes your business entity and will appear on the invoice.
object string : Object type


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Coupon ()


Type: Object

property type description
appliesToAllItems boolean : The coupon is valid for all items if true. If false then items will list the applicable items.
appliesToAllPlans boolean : The coupon is valid for all plans if true. If false then plans will list the applicable plans.
appliesToNonPlanCharges boolean : The coupon is valid for one-time, non-plan charges if true.
code string : The code the customer enters to redeem the coupon.
couponType string : Whether the coupon is "single_code" or "bulk". Bulk coupons will require a unique_code_template and will generate unique codes through the /generate endpoint.
createdAt Date : Created at
discount CouponDiscount : Details of the discount a coupon applies. Will contain a type property and one of the following properties: percent , fixed , trial .
duration string :
  • "single_use" coupons applies to the first invoice only. - "temporal" coupons will apply to invoices for the duration determined by the temporal_unit and temporal_amount attributes.
expiredAt Date : The date and time the coupon was expired early or reached its max_redemptions .
freeTrialAmount number : Sets the duration of time the free_trial_unit is for.
freeTrialUnit string : Description of the unit of time the coupon is for. Used with free_trial_amount to determine the duration of time the coupon is for.
hostedPageDescription string : This description will show up when a customer redeems a coupon on your Hosted Payment Pages, or if you choose to show the description on your own checkout page.
id string : Coupon ID
invoiceDescription string : Description of the coupon on the invoice.
items Array<ItemMini> : A list of items for which this coupon applies. This will be null if applies_to_all_items=true .
maxRedemptions number : A maximum number of redemptions for the coupon. The coupon will expire when it hits its maximum redemptions.
maxRedemptionsPerAccount number : Redemptions per account is the number of times a specific account can redeem the coupon. Set redemptions per account to 1 if you want to keep customers from gaming the system and getting more than one discount from the coupon campaign.
name string : The internal name for the coupon.
object string : Object type
plans Array<PlanMini> : A list of plans for which this coupon applies. This will be null if applies_to_all_plans=true .
redeemBy Date : The date and time the coupon will expire and can no longer be redeemed. Time is always 11:59:59, the end-of-day Pacific time.
redemptionResource string : Whether the discount is for all eligible charges on the account, or only a specific subscription.
state string : Indicates if the coupon is redeemable, and if it is not, why.
temporalAmount number : If duration is "temporal" than temporal_amount is an integer which is multiplied by temporal_unit to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.
temporalUnit string : If duration is "temporal" than temporal_unit is multiplied by temporal_amount to define the duration that the coupon will be applied to invoices for.
uniqueCodeTemplate string : On a bulk coupon, the template from which unique coupon codes are generated.
uniqueCouponCode Object : Will be populated when the Coupon being returned is a UniqueCouponCode .
uniqueCouponCodesCount number : When this number reaches max_redemptions the coupon will no longer be redeemable.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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CouponDiscount ()


Type: Object

property type description
currencies Array<CouponDiscountPricing> : This is only present when type=fixed .
percent number : This is only present when type=percent .
trial CouponDiscountTrial : This is only present when type=free_trial .
type string


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CouponDiscountPricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
amount number : Value of the fixed discount that this coupon applies.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


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CouponDiscountTrial ()


Type: Object

property type description
length number : Trial length measured in the units specified by the sibling unit property
unit string : Temporal unit of the free trial


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CouponMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : The code the customer enters to redeem the coupon.
couponType string : Whether the coupon is "single_code" or "bulk". Bulk coupons will require a unique_code_template and will generate unique codes through the /generate endpoint.
discount CouponDiscount : Details of the discount a coupon applies. Will contain a type property and one of the following properties: percent , fixed , trial .
expiredAt Date : The date and time the coupon was expired early or reached its max_redemptions .
id string : Coupon ID
name string : The internal name for the coupon.
object string : Object type
state string : Indicates if the coupon is redeemable, and if it is not, why.


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CouponRedemption ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : The Account on which the coupon was applied.
coupon Coupon
createdAt Date : Created at
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
discounted number : The amount that was discounted upon the application of the coupon, formatted with the currency.
id string : Coupon Redemption ID
object string : Will always be coupon .
removedAt Date : The date and time the redemption was removed from the account (un-redeemed).
state string : Coupon Redemption state
subscriptionId string : Subscription ID
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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CouponRedemptionMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
coupon CouponMini
createdAt Date : Created at
discounted number : The amount that was discounted upon the application of the coupon, formatted with the currency.
id string : Coupon Redemption ID
object string : Will always be coupon .
state string : Invoice state


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CreditPayment ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
action string : The action for which the credit was created.
amount number : Total credit payment amount applied to the charge invoice.
appliedToInvoice InvoiceMini : Invoice mini details
createdAt Date : Created at
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
id string : Credit Payment ID
object string : Object type
originalCreditPaymentId string : For credit payments with action refund , this is the credit payment that was refunded.
originalInvoice InvoiceMini : Invoice mini details
refundTransaction Transaction
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
uuid string : The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly's UI.
voidedAt Date : Voided at


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CustomerPermission ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : Customer permission code.
description string : Description of customer permission.
id string : Customer permission ID.
name string : Customer permission name.
object string : It will always be "customer_permission".


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CustomField ()


Type: Object

property type description
name string : Fields must be created in the UI before values can be assigned to them.
value string : Any values that resemble a credit card number or security code (CVV/CVC) will be rejected.


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CustomFieldDefinition ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : Created at
deletedAt Date : Definitions are initially soft deleted, and once all the values are removed from the accouts or subscriptions, will be hard deleted an no longer visible.
displayName string : Used to label the field when viewing and editing the field in Recurly's admin UI.
id string : Custom field definition ID
name string : Used by the API to identify the field or reading and writing. The name can only be used once per Recurly object type.
object string : Object type
relatedType string : Related Recurly object type
tooltip string : Displayed as a tooltip when editing the field in the Recurly admin UI.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
userAccess string : The access control applied inside Recurly's admin UI: - api_only - No one will be able to view or edit this field's data via the admin UI. - read_only - Users with the Customers role will be able to view this field's data via the admin UI, but editing will only be available via the API. - write - Users with the Customers role will be able to view and edit this field's data via the admin UI. - set_only - Users with the Customers role will be able to set this field's data via the admin console.


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DunningCampaign ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : Campaign code.
createdAt Date : When the current campaign was created in Recurly.
defaultCampaign boolean : Whether or not this is the default campaign for accounts or plans without an assigned dunning campaign.
deletedAt Date : When the current campaign was deleted in Recurly.
description string : Campaign description.
dunningCycles Array<DunningCycle> : Dunning Cycle settings.
id string
name string : Campaign name.
object string : Object type
updatedAt Date : When the current campaign was updated in Recurly.


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DunningCampaignsBulkUpdateResponse ()


Type: Object

property type description
object string : Object type
plans Array<Plan> : An array containing all of the Plan resources that have been updated.


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DunningCycle ()


Type: Object

property type description
appliesToManualTrial boolean : Whether the dunning settings will be applied to manual trials. Only applies to trial cycles.
createdAt Date : When the current settings were created in Recurly.
expireSubscription boolean : Whether the subscription(s) should be cancelled at the end of the dunning cycle.
failInvoice boolean : Whether the invoice should be failed at the end of the dunning cycle.
firstCommunicationInterval number : The number of days after a transaction failure before the first dunning email is sent.
intervals Array<DunningInterval> : Dunning intervals.
sendImmediatelyOnHardDecline boolean : Whether or not to send an extra email immediately to customers whose initial payment attempt fails with either a hard decline or invalid billing info.
totalDunningDays number : The number of days between the first dunning email being sent and the end of the dunning cycle.
totalRecyclingDays number : The number of days between a transaction failure and the end of the dunning cycle.
type string : The type of invoice this cycle applies to.
updatedAt Date : When the current settings were updated in Recurly.
version number : Current campaign version.


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DunningInterval ()


Type: Object

property type description
days number : Number of days before sending the next email.
emailTemplate string : Email template being used.


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Entitlement ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : Time object was created.
customerPermission CustomerPermission
grantedBy Array<GrantedBy> : Subscription or item that granted the customer permission.
object string : Entitlement
updatedAt Date : Time the object was last updated


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Entitlements ()


Type: Object

property type description
data Array<Entitlement>
hasMore boolean : Indicates there are more results on subsequent pages.
next string : Path to subsequent page of results.
object string : Object Type


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Error ()


Type: Object

property type description
message string : Message
params Array<Object> : Parameter specific errors
type string : Type


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ErrorMayHaveTransaction ()


Type: Object

property type description
message string : Message
params Array<Object> : Parameter specific errors
transactionError TransactionError : This is only included on errors with type=transaction .
type string : Type


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ExportDates ()


Type: Object

property type description
dates Array<string> : An array of dates that have available exports.
object string : Object type


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ExportFile ()


Type: Object

property type description
href string : A presigned link to download the export file.
md5sum string : MD5 hash of the export file.
name string : Name of the export file.


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ExportFiles ()


Type: Object

property type description
files Array<ExportFile>
object string : Object type


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ExternalAccount ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : Created at
externalAccountCode string : Represents the account code for the external account.
externalConnectionType string : Represents the connection type. AppleAppStore or GooglePlayStore
id string : UUID of the external_account .
object string
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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ExternalCharge ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
createdAt Date : When the external charge was created in Recurly.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
description string
externalProductReference ExternalProductReferenceMini : External Product Reference details
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external charge ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
object string : Object type
quantity number
unitAmount string : Unit Amount
updatedAt Date : When the external charge was updated in Recurly.


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ExternalInvoice ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
createdAt Date : When the external invoice was created in Recurly.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
externalId string : An identifier which associates the external invoice to a corresponding object in an external platform.
externalSubscription ExternalSubscription : Subscription from an external resource such as Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external invoice ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
lineItems Array<ExternalCharge>
object string : Object type
purchasedAt Date : When the invoice was created in the external platform.
state string
total string : Total
updatedAt Date : When the external invoice was updated in Recurly.


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ExternalPaymentPhase ()


Type: Object

property type description
amount string : Allows up to 9 decimal places
createdAt Date : When the external subscription was created in Recurly.
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
endingBillingPeriodIndex number : Ending Billing Period Index
endsAt Date : Ends At
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external payment phase ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
object string : Object type
offerName string : Name of the discount offer given, e.g. "introductory"
offerType string : Type of discount offer given, e.g. "FREE_TRIAL"
periodCount number : Number of billing periods
periodLength string : Billing cycle length
startedAt Date : Started At
startingBillingPeriodIndex number : Starting Billing Period Index
updatedAt Date : When the external subscription was updated in Recurly.


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ExternalProduct ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : When the external product was created in Recurly.
externalProductReferences Array<ExternalProductReferenceMini> : List of external product references of the external product.
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external product ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
name string : Name to identify the external product in Recurly.
object string : Object type
plan PlanMini : Just the important parts.
updatedAt Date : When the external product was updated in Recurly.


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ExternalProductReferenceCollection ()


Type: Object

property type description
data Array<ExternalProductReferenceMini>
hasMore boolean : Indicates there are more results on subsequent pages.
next string : Path to subsequent page of results.
object string : Will always be List.


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ExternalProductReferenceMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : When the external product was created in Recurly.
externalConnectionType string : Source connection platform.
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external product ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
object string : object
referenceCode string : A code which associates the external product to a corresponding object or resource in an external platform like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
updatedAt Date : When the external product was updated in Recurly.


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ExternalSubscription ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
activatedAt Date : When the external subscription was activated in the external platform.
appIdentifier string : Identifier of the app that generated the external subscription.
autoRenew boolean : An indication of whether or not the external subscription will auto-renew at the expiration date.
canceledAt Date : When the external subscription was canceled in the external platform.
createdAt Date : When the external subscription was created in Recurly.
expiresAt Date : When the external subscription expires in the external platform.
externalId string : The id of the subscription in the external systems., I.e. Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
externalPaymentPhases Array<ExternalPaymentPhase> : The phases of the external subscription payment lifecycle.
externalProductReference ExternalProductReferenceMini : External Product Reference details
id string : System-generated unique identifier for an external subscription ID, e.g. e28zov4fw0v2 .
imported boolean : An indication of whether or not the external subscription was created by a historical data import.
inGracePeriod boolean : An indication of whether or not the external subscription is in a grace period.
lastPurchased Date : When a new billing event occurred on the external subscription in conjunction with a recent billing period, reactivation or upgrade/downgrade.
object string : Object type
quantity number : An indication of the quantity of a subscribed item's quantity.
state string : External subscriptions can be active, canceled, expired, past_due, voided, revoked, or paused.
test boolean : An indication of whether or not the external subscription was purchased in a sandbox environment.
trialEndsAt Date : When the external subscription trial period ends in the external platform.
trialStartedAt Date : When the external subscription trial period started in the external platform.
updatedAt Date : When the external subscription was updated in Recurly.
uuid string : Universally Unique Identifier created automatically.


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FraudInfo ()


Type: Object

property type description
decision string : Kount decision
riskRulesTriggered Object : Kount rules
score number : Kount score


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FraudRiskRule ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : The Kount rule number.
message string : Description of why the rule was triggered


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GatewayAttributes ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountReference string : Used by Adyen and Braintree gateways. For Adyen the Shopper Reference value used when the external token was created. For Braintree the PayPal PayerID is populated in the response.


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GeneralLedgerAccount ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountType string
code string : Unique code to identify the ledger account. Each code must start with a letter or number. The following special characters are allowed: -_.,:
createdAt Date : Created at
description string : Optional description.
id string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
object string : Object type
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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GiftCard ()


Type: Object

property type description
balance number : The remaining credit on the recipient account associated with this gift card. Only has a value once the gift card has been redeemed. Can be used to create gift card balance displays for your customers.
canceledAt Date : When the gift card was canceled.
createdAt Date : Created at
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
deliveredAt Date : When the gift card was sent to the recipient by Recurly via email, if method was email and the "Gift Card Delivery" email template was enabled. This will be empty for post delivery or email delivery where the email template was disabled.
delivery GiftCardDelivery : The delivery details for the gift card.
gifterAccountId string : The ID of the account that purchased the gift card.
id string : Gift card ID
liabilityGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
object string : Object type
performanceObligationId string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
productCode string : The product code or SKU of the gift card product.
purchaseInvoiceId string : The ID of the invoice for the gift card purchase made by the gifter.
recipientAccountId string : The ID of the account that redeemed the gift card redemption code. Does not have a value until gift card is redeemed.
redeemedAt Date : When the gift card was redeemed by the recipient.
redemptionCode string : The unique redemption code for the gift card, generated by Recurly. Will be 16 characters, alphanumeric, displayed uppercase, but accepted in any case at redemption. Used by the recipient account to create a credit in the amount of the unit_amount on their account.
redemptionInvoiceId string : The ID of the invoice for the gift card redemption made by the recipient. Does not have a value until gift card is redeemed.
revenueGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
unitAmount number : The amount of the gift card, which is the amount of the charge to the gifter account and the amount of credit that is applied to the recipient account upon successful redemption.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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GiftCardDelivery ()


Type: Object

property type description
deliverAt Date : When the gift card should be delivered to the recipient. If null, the gift card will be delivered immediately. If a datetime is provided, the delivery will be in an hourly window, rounding down. For example, 6:23 pm will be in the 6:00 pm hourly batch.
emailAddress string : The email address of the recipient.
firstName string : The first name of the recipient.
gifterName string : The name of the gifter for the purpose of a message displayed to the recipient.
lastName string : The last name of the recipient.
method string : Whether the delivery method is email or postal service.
personalMessage string : The personal message from the gifter to the recipient.
recipientAddress Address : Address information for the recipient.


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GrantedBy ()


Type: Object

property type description
id string : The ID of the subscription or external subscription that grants the permission to the account.
object string : Object Type


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Invoice ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
address InvoiceAddress
balance number : The outstanding balance remaining on this invoice.
billingInfoId string : The billing_info_id is the value that represents a specific billing info for an end customer. When billing_info_id is used to assign billing info to the subscription, all future billing events for the subscription will bill to the specified billing info. billing_info_id can ONLY be used for sites utilizing the Wallet feature.
businessEntityId string : Unique ID to identify the business entity assigned to the invoice. Available when the Multiple Business Entities feature is enabled.
closedAt Date : Date invoice was marked paid or failed.
collectionMethod string : An automatic invoice means a corresponding transaction is run using the account's billing information at the same time the invoice is created. Manual invoices are created without a corresponding transaction. The merchant must enter a manual payment transaction or have the customer pay the invoice with an automatic method, like credit card, PayPal, Amazon, or ACH bank payment.
createdAt Date : Created at
creditPayments Array<CreditPayment> : Credit payments
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
customerNotes string : This will default to the Customer Notes text specified on the Invoice Settings. Specify custom notes to add or override Customer Notes.
discount number : Total discounts applied to this invoice.
dueAt Date : Date invoice is due. This is the date the net terms are reached.
dunningCampaignId string : Unique ID to identify the dunning campaign used when dunning the invoice. For sites without multiple dunning campaigns enabled, this will always be the default dunning campaign.
dunningEventsSent number : Number of times the event was sent.
finalDunningEvent boolean : Last communication attempt.
hasMoreLineItems boolean : Identifies if the invoice has more line items than are returned in line_items . If has_more_line_items is true , then a request needs to be made to the list_invoice_line_items endpoint.
id string : Invoice ID
lineItems Array<LineItem> : Line Items
netTerms number : Integer paired with Net Terms Type and representing the number of days past the current date (for net Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for eom Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. For manual collection method, an additional 24 hours is added to ensure the customer has the entire last day to make payment before becoming past due. For example: If an invoice is due net 0 , it is due 'On Receipt' and will become past due 24 hours after it's created. If an invoice is due net 30 , it will become past due at 31 days exactly. If an invoice is due eom 30 , it will become past due 31 days from the last day of the current month. For automatic collection method, the additional 24 hours is not added. For example, On-Receipt is due immediately, and net 30 will become due exactly 30 days from invoice generation, at which point Recurly will attempt collection. When eom Net Terms Type is passed, the value for Net Terms is restricted to 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 . For more information on how net terms work with manual collection visit our docs page ( ) or visit ( ) for information about net terms using automatic collection.
netTermsType string : Optionally supplied string that may be either net or eom (end-of-month). When net , an invoice becomes past due the specified number of Net Terms days from the current date. When eom an invoice becomes past due the specified number of Net Terms days from the last day of the current month.
number string : If VAT taxation and the Country Invoice Sequencing feature are enabled, invoices will have country-specific invoice numbers for invoices billed to EU countries (ex: FR1001). Non-EU invoices will continue to use the site-level invoice number sequence.
object string : Object type
origin string : The event that created the invoice.
paid number : The total amount of successful payments transaction on this invoice.
poNumber string : For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.
previousInvoiceId string : On refund invoices, this value will exist and show the invoice ID of the purchase invoice the refund was created from. This field is only populated for sites without the Only Bill What Changed feature enabled. Sites with Only Bill What Changed enabled should use the related_invoices endpoint to see purchase invoices refunded by this invoice.
refundableAmount number : The refundable amount on a charge invoice. It will be null for all other invoices.
shippingAddress ShippingAddress
state string : Invoice state
subscriptionIds Array<string> : If the invoice is charging or refunding for one or more subscriptions, these are their IDs.
subtotal number : The summation of charges and credits, before discounts and taxes.
tax number : The total tax on this invoice.
taxInfo TaxInfo : Only for merchants using Recurly's In-The-Box taxes.
termsAndConditions string : This will default to the Terms and Conditions text specified on the Invoice Settings page in your Recurly admin. Specify custom notes to add or override Terms and Conditions.
total number : The final total on this invoice. The summation of invoice charges, discounts, credits, and tax.
transactions Array<Transaction> : Transactions
type string : Invoices are either charge, credit, or legacy invoices.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
usedTaxService boolean : Will be true when the invoice had a successful response from the tax service and false when the invoice was not sent to tax service due to a lack of address or enabled jurisdiction or was processed without tax due to a non-blocking error returned from the tax service.
uuid string : Invoice UUID
vatNumber string : VAT registration number for the customer on this invoice. This will come from the VAT Number field in the Billing Info or the Account Info depending on your tax settings and the invoice collection method.
vatReverseChargeNotes string : VAT Reverse Charge Notes only appear if you have EU VAT enabled or are using your own Avalara AvaTax account and the customer is in the EU, has a VAT number, and is in a different country than your own. This will default to the VAT Reverse Charge Notes text specified on the Tax Settings page in your Recurly admin, unless custom notes were created with the original subscription.


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InvoiceAddress ()


Type: Object

property type description
city string : City
company string : Company
country string : Country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
firstName string : First name
geoCode string : Code that represents a geographic entity (location or object). Only returned for Sling Vertex Integration
lastName string : Last name
nameOnAccount string : Name on account
phone string : Phone number
postalCode string : Zip or postal code.
region string : State or province.
street1 string : Street 1
street2 string : Street 2


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InvoiceCollection ()


Type: Object

property type description
chargeInvoice Invoice
creditInvoices Array<Invoice> : Credit invoices
object string : Object type


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InvoiceMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
businessEntityId string : Unique ID to identify the business entity assigned to the invoice. Available when the Multiple Business Entities feature is enabled.
id string : Invoice ID
number string : Invoice number
object string : Object type
state string : Invoice state
type string : Invoice type


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InvoiceTemplate ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : Invoice template code.
createdAt Date : When the invoice template was created in Recurly.
description string : Invoice template description.
id string
name string : Invoice template name.
updatedAt Date : When the invoice template was updated in Recurly.


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Item ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountingCode string : Accounting code for invoice line items.
avalaraServiceType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the item is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
avalaraTransactionType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the item is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
code string : Unique code to identify the item.
createdAt Date : Created at
currencies Array<Pricing> : Item Pricing
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
description string : Optional, description.
externalSku string : Optional, stock keeping unit to link the item to other inventory systems.
id string : Item ID
liabilityGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
name string : This name describes your item and will appear on the invoice when it's purchased on a one time basis.
object string : Object type
performanceObligationId string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
revenueGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
state string : The current state of the item.
taxCode string : Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly's In-the-Box tax solution to determine taxation rules. You can pass in specific tax codes using any of these tax integrations. For Recurly's In-the-Box tax offering you can also choose to instead use simple values of unknown , physical , or digital tax codes.
taxExempt boolean : true exempts tax on the item, false applies tax on the item.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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ItemMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : Unique code to identify the item.
description string : Optional, description.
id string : Item ID
name string : This name describes your item and will appear on the invoice when it's purchased on a one time basis.
object string : Object type
state string : The current state of the item.


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LineItem ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
accountingCode string : Internal accounting code to help you reconcile your revenue to the correct ledger. Line items created as part of a subscription invoice will use the plan or add-on's accounting code, otherwise the value will only be present if you define an accounting code when creating the line item.
addOnCode string : If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on, this is its code.
addOnId string : If the line item is a charge or credit for an add-on this is its ID.
amount number : (quantity * unit_amount) - (discount + tax)
avalaraServiceType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the line item is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
avalaraTransactionType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the line item is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
billForAccountId string : The UUID of the account responsible for originating the line item.
createdAt Date : When the line item was created.
creditApplied number : The amount of credit from this line item that was applied to the invoice.
creditReasonCode string : The reason the credit was given when line item is type=credit .
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
description string : Description that appears on the invoice. For subscription related items this will be filled in automatically.
destinationTaxAddressSource string : The source of the address that will be used as the destinaion in determining taxes. Available only when the site is on an Elite plan. A value of "destination" refers to the "Customer tax address". A value of "origin" refers to the "Business entity tax address".
discount number : The discount applied to the line item.
endDate Date : If this date is provided, it indicates the end of a time range.
externalSku string : Optional Stock Keeping Unit assigned to an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.
id string : Line item ID
invoiceId string : Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice's ID.
invoiceNumber string : Once the line item has been invoiced this will be the invoice's number. If VAT taxation and the Country Invoice Sequencing feature are enabled, invoices will have country-specific invoice numbers for invoices billed to EU countries (ex: FR1001). Non-EU invoices will continue to use the site-level invoice number sequence.
itemCode string : Unique code to identify an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.
itemId string : System-generated unique identifier for an item. Available when the Credit Invoices feature is enabled.
legacyCategory string : Category to describe the role of a line item on a legacy invoice: - "charges" refers to charges being billed for on this invoice. - "credits" refers to refund or proration credits. This portion of the invoice can be considered a credit memo. - "applied_credits" refers to previous credits applied to this invoice. See their original_line_item_id to determine where the credit first originated. - "carryforwards" can be ignored. They exist to consume any remaining credit balance. A new credit with the same amount will be created and placed back on the account.
liabilityGlAccountCode string : Unique code to identify the ledger account. Each code must start with a letter or number. The following special characters are allowed: -_.,:
object string : Object type
origin string : A credit created from an original charge will have the value of the charge's origin.
originTaxAddressSource string : The source of the address that will be used as the origin in determining taxes. Available only when the site is on an Elite plan. A value of "origin" refers to the "Business entity tax address". A value of "destination" refers to the "Customer tax address".
originalLineItemInvoiceId string : The invoice where the credit originated. Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.
performanceObligationId string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
planCode string : If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan's code.
planId string : If the line item is a charge or credit for a plan or add-on, this is the plan's ID.
previousLineItemId string : Will only have a value if the line item is a credit created from a previous credit, or if the credit was created from a charge refund.
productCode string : For plan-related line items this will be the plan's code, for add-on related line items it will be the add-on's code. For item-related line items it will be the item's external_sku .
prorationRate number : When a line item has been prorated, this is the rate of the proration. Proration rates were made available for line items created after March 30, 2017. For line items created prior to that date, the proration rate will be null , even if the line item was prorated.
quantity number : This number will be multiplied by the unit amount to compute the subtotal before any discounts or taxes.
quantityDecimal string : A floating-point alternative to Quantity. If this value is present, it will be used in place of Quantity for calculations, and Quantity will be the rounded integer value of this number. This field supports up to 9 decimal places. The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.
refund boolean : Refund?
refundedQuantity number : For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds).
refundedQuantityDecimal string : A floating-point alternative to Refunded Quantity. For refund charges, the quantity being refunded. For non-refund charges, the total quantity refunded (possibly over multiple refunds). The Decimal Quantity feature must be enabled to utilize this field.
revenueGlAccountCode string : Unique code to identify the ledger account. Each code must start with a letter or number. The following special characters are allowed: -_.,:
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
shippingAddress ShippingAddress
startDate Date : If an end date is present, this is value indicates the beginning of a billing time range. If no end date is present it indicates billing for a specific date.
state string : Pending line items are charges or credits on an account that have not been applied to an invoice yet. Invoiced line items will always have an invoice_id value.
subscriptionId string : If the line item is a charge or credit for a subscription, this is its ID.
subtotal number : quantity * unit_amount
tax number : The tax amount for the line item.
taxCode string : Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly's In-the-Box tax solution to determine taxation rules. You can pass in specific tax codes using any of these tax integrations. For Recurly's In-the-Box tax offering you can also choose to instead use simple values of unknown , physical , or digital tax codes.
taxExempt boolean : true exempts tax on charges, false applies tax on charges. If not defined, then defaults to the Plan and Site settings. This attribute does not work for credits (negative line items). Credits are always applied post-tax. Pre-tax discounts should use the Coupons feature.
taxInclusive boolean : Determines whether or not tax is included in the unit amount. The Tax Inclusive Pricing feature (separate from the Mixed Tax Pricing feature) must be enabled to utilize this flag.
taxInfo TaxInfo : Only for merchants using Recurly's In-The-Box taxes.
taxable boolean : true if the line item is taxable, false if it is not.
type string : Charges are positive line items that debit the account. Credits are negative line items that credit the account.
unitAmount number : Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.
unitAmountDecimal string : Positive amount for a charge, negative amount for a credit.
updatedAt Date : When the line item was last changed.
uuid string : The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly's UI.


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MeasuredUnit ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : Created at
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
description string : Optional internal description.
displayName string : Display name for the measured unit. Can only contain spaces, underscores and must be alphanumeric.
id string : Item ID
name string : Unique internal name of the measured unit on your site.
object string : Object type
state string : The current state of the measured unit.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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PaymentMethod ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountType string : The bank account type. Only present for ACH payment methods.
billingAgreementId string : Billing Agreement identifier. Only present for Amazon or Paypal payment methods.
cardNetworkPreference string : Represents the card network preference associated with the billing info for dual badged cards. Must be a supported card network.
cardType string : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, etc.
ccBinCountry string : The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code associated with the credit card BIN, if known by Recurly. Available on the BillingInfo object only. Available when the BIN country lookup feature is enabled.
expMonth number : Expiration month.
expYear number : Expiration year.
firstSix string : Credit card number's first six digits.
gatewayAttributes GatewayAttributes : Gateway specific attributes associated with this PaymentMethod
gatewayCode string : An identifier for a specific payment gateway.
gatewayToken string : A token used in place of a credit card in order to perform transactions.
lastFour string : Credit card number's last four digits. Will refer to bank account if payment method is ACH.
lastTwo string : The IBAN bank account's last two digits.
nameOnAccount string : The name associated with the bank account.
object string
routingNumber string : The bank account's routing number. Only present for ACH payment methods.
routingNumberBank string : The bank name of this routing number.
username string : Username of the associated payment method. Currently only associated with Venmo.


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PercentageTier ()


Type: Object

property type description
endingAmount number : Ending amount for the tier. Allows up to 2 decimal places. Must be left empty if it is the final tier.
usagePercentage string : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places represented as a string.


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PercentageTiersByCurrency ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
tiers Array<PercentageTier> : Tiers


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PerformanceObligation ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date : Created At
id string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
name string : Performance Obligation Name
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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Plan ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountingCode string : Accounting code for invoice line items for the plan. If no value is provided, it defaults to plan's code.
allowAnyItemOnSubscriptions boolean : Used to determine whether items can be assigned as add-ons to individual subscriptions. If true , items can be assigned as add-ons to individual subscription add-ons. If false , only plan add-ons can be used.
autoRenew boolean : Subscriptions will automatically inherit this value once they are active. If auto_renew is true , then a subscription will automatically renew its term at renewal. If auto_renew is false , then a subscription will expire at the end of its term. auto_renew can be overridden on the subscription record itself.
avalaraServiceType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the plan is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
avalaraTransactionType number : Used by Avalara for Communications taxes. The transaction type in combination with the service type describe how the plan is taxed. Refer to the documentation for more available t/s types.
code string : Unique code to identify the plan. This is used in Hosted Payment Page URLs and in the invoice exports.
createdAt Date : Created at
currencies Array<PlanPricing> : Pricing
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
description string : Optional description, not displayed.
dunningCampaignId string : Unique ID to identify a dunning campaign. Used to specify if a non-default dunning campaign should be assigned to this plan. For sites without multiple dunning campaigns enabled, the default dunning campaign will always be used.
hostedPages PlanHostedPages : Hosted pages settings
id string : Plan ID
intervalLength number : Length of the plan's billing interval in interval_unit .
intervalUnit string : Unit for the plan's billing interval.
name string : This name describes your plan and will appear on the Hosted Payment Page and the subscriber's invoice.
object string : Object type
pricingModel string : A fixed pricing model has the same price for each billing period. A ramp pricing model defines a set of Ramp Intervals, where a subscription changes price on a specified cadence of billing periods. The price change could be an increase or decrease.
rampIntervals Array<PlanRampInterval> : Ramp Intervals
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
setupFeeAccountingCode string : Accounting code for invoice line items for the plan's setup fee. If no value is provided, it defaults to plan's accounting code.
setupFeeRevenueScheduleType string : Setup fee revenue schedule type
state string : The current state of the plan.
taxCode string : Optional field used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly's In-the-Box tax solution to determine taxation rules. You can pass in specific tax codes using any of these tax integrations. For Recurly's In-the-Box tax offering you can also choose to instead use simple values of unknown , physical , or digital tax codes.
taxExempt boolean : true exempts tax on the plan, false applies tax on the plan.
totalBillingCycles number : Automatically terminate subscriptions after a defined number of billing cycles. Number of billing cycles before the plan automatically stops renewing, defaults to null for continuous, automatic renewal.
trialLength number : Length of plan's trial period in trial_units . 0 means no trial .
trialRequiresBillingInfo boolean : Allow free trial subscriptions to be created without billing info. Should not be used if billing info is needed for initial invoice due to existing uninvoiced charges or setup fee.
trialUnit string : Units for the plan's trial period.
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
vertexTransactionType string : Used by Vertex for tax calculations. Possible values are sale , rental , lease .


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PlanHostedPages ()


Type: Object

property type description
bypassConfirmation boolean : If true , the customer will be sent directly to your success_url after a successful signup, bypassing Recurly's hosted confirmation page.
cancelUrl string : URL to redirect to on canceled signup on the hosted payment pages.
displayQuantity boolean : Determines if the quantity field is displayed on the hosted pages for the plan.
successUrl string : URL to redirect to after signup on the hosted payment pages.


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PlanMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : Unique code to identify the plan. This is used in Hosted Payment Page URLs and in the invoice exports.
id string : Plan ID
name string : This name describes your plan and will appear on the Hosted Payment Page and the subscriber's invoice.
object string : Object type


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PlanPricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
setupFee number : Amount of one-time setup fee automatically charged at the beginning of a subscription billing cycle. For subscription plans with a trial, the setup fee will be charged at the time of signup. Setup fees do not increase with the quantity of a subscription plan.
taxInclusive boolean : This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.
unitAmount number : This field should not be sent when the pricing model is 'ramp'.


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PlanRampInterval ()


Type: Object

property type description
currencies Array<PlanRampPricing> : Represents the price for the ramp interval.
startingBillingCycle number : Represents the billing cycle where a ramp interval starts.


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PlanRampPricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
unitAmount number : Represents the price for the Ramp Interval.


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Pricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
taxInclusive boolean : This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.
unitAmount number : Unit price


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Settings ()


Type: Object

property type description
acceptedCurrencies Array<string>
billingAddressRequirement string :
  • full: Full Address (Street, City, State, Postal Code and Country) - streetzip: Street and Postal Code only - zip: Postal Code only - none: No Address
defaultCurrency string : The default 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.


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ShippingAddress ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountId string : Account ID
city string
company string
country string : Country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
createdAt Date : Created at
email string
firstName string
geoCode string : Code that represents a geographic entity (location or object). Only returned for Sling Vertex Integration
id string : Shipping Address ID
lastName string
nickname string
object string : Object type
phone string
postalCode string : Zip or postal code.
region string : State or province.
street1 string
street2 string
updatedAt Date : Updated at
vatNumber string


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ShippingMethod ()


Type: Object

property type description
accountingCode string : Accounting code for shipping method.
code string : The internal name used identify the shipping method.
createdAt Date : Created at
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
id string : Shipping Method ID
liabilityGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
name string : The name of the shipping method displayed to customers.
object string : Object type
performanceObligationId string : The ID of a performance obligation. Performance obligations are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
revenueGlAccountId string : The ID of a general ledger account. General ledger accounts are only accessible as a part of the Recurly RevRec Standard and Recurly RevRec Advanced features.
taxCode string : Used by Avalara, Vertex, and Recurly’s built-in tax feature. The tax code values are specific to each tax system. If you are using Recurly’s built-in taxes the values are: - FR – Common Carrier FOB Destination - FR022000 – Common Carrier FOB Origin - FR020400 – Non Common Carrier FOB Destination - FR020500 – Non Common Carrier FOB Origin - FR010100 – Delivery by Company Vehicle Before Passage of Title - FR010200 – Delivery by Company Vehicle After Passage of Title - NT – Non-Taxable
updatedAt Date : Last updated at


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ShippingMethodMini ()


Type: Object

property type description
code string : The internal name used identify the shipping method.
id string : Shipping Method ID
name string : The name of the shipping method displayed to customers.
object string : Object type


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Site ()


Type: Object

property type description
address Address
createdAt Date : Created at
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
features Array<string> : A list of features enabled for the site.
id string : Site ID
mode string : Mode
object string : Object type
publicApiKey string : This value is used to configure RecurlyJS to submit tokenized billing information.
settings Settings
subdomain string
updatedAt Date : Updated at


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Subscription ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
actionResult Object : Action result params to be used in Recurly-JS to complete a payment when using asynchronous payment methods, e.g., Boleto, iDEAL and Sofort.
activatedAt Date : Activated at
activeInvoiceId string : The invoice ID of the latest invoice created for an active subscription.
addOns Array<SubscriptionAddOn> : Add-ons
addOnsTotal number : Total price of add-ons
autoRenew boolean : Whether the subscription renews at the end of its term.
bankAccountAuthorizedAt Date : Recurring subscriptions paid with ACH will have this attribute set. This timestamp is used for alerting customers to reauthorize in 3 years in accordance with NACHA rules. If a subscription becomes inactive or the billing info is no longer a bank account, this timestamp is cleared.
billingInfoId string : Billing Info ID.
businessEntityId string : The ID of the business entity associated with the subscription. This will be null if the subscription relies on resolving the business entity during renewal.
canceledAt Date : Canceled at
collectionMethod string : Collection method
convertedAt Date : When the subscription was converted from a gift card.
couponRedemptions Array<CouponRedemptionMini> : Returns subscription level coupon redemptions that are tied to this subscription.
createdAt Date : Created at
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
currentPeriodEndsAt Date : Current billing period ends at
currentPeriodStartedAt Date : Current billing period started at
currentTermEndsAt Date : When the term ends. This is calculated by a plan's interval and total_billing_cycles in a term. Subscription changes with a timeframe=renewal will be applied on this date.
currentTermStartedAt Date : The start date of the term when the first billing period starts. The subscription term is the length of time that a customer will be committed to a subscription. A term can span multiple billing periods.
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
customerNotes string : Customer notes
expirationReason string : Expiration reason
expiresAt Date : Expires at
gatewayCode string : If present, this subscription's transactions will use the payment gateway with this code.
id string : Subscription ID
netTerms number : Integer paired with Net Terms Type and representing the number of days past the current date (for net Net Terms Type) or days after the last day of the current month (for eom Net Terms Type) that the invoice will become past due. For manual collection method, an additional 24 hours is added to ensure the customer has the entire last day to make payment before becoming past due. For example: If an invoice is due net 0 , it is due 'On Receipt' and will become past due 24 hours after it's created. If an invoice is due net 30 , it will become past due at 31 days exactly. If an invoice is due eom 30 , it will become past due 31 days from the last day of the current month. For automatic collection method, the additional 24 hours is not added. For example, On-Receipt is due immediately, and net 30 will become due exactly 30 days from invoice generation, at which point Recurly will attempt collection. When eom Net Terms Type is passed, the value for Net Terms is restricted to 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 . For more information on how net terms work with manual collection visit our docs page ( ) or visit ( ) for information about net terms using automatic collection.
netTermsType string : Optionally supplied string that may be either net or eom (end-of-month). When net , an invoice becomes past due the specified number of Net Terms days from the current date. When eom an invoice becomes past due the specified number of Net Terms days from the last day of the current month.
object string : Object type
pausedAt Date : Null unless subscription is paused or will pause at the end of the current billing period.
pendingChange SubscriptionChange : Subscription Change
plan PlanMini : Just the important parts.
poNumber string : For manual invoicing, this identifies the PO number associated with the subscription.
quantity number : Subscription quantity
rampIntervals Array<SubscriptionRampIntervalResponse> : The ramp intervals representing the pricing schedule for the subscription.
remainingBillingCycles number : The remaining billing cycles in the current term.
remainingPauseCycles number : Null unless subscription is paused or will pause at the end of the current billing period.
renewalBillingCycles number : If auto_renew=true , when a term completes, total_billing_cycles takes this value as the length of subsequent terms. Defaults to the plan's total_billing_cycles .
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
shipping SubscriptionShipping : Subscription shipping details
startedWithGift boolean : Whether the subscription was started with a gift certificate.
state string : State
subtotal number : Estimated total, before tax.
tax number : Only for merchants using Recurly's In-The-Box taxes.
taxInclusive boolean : Determines whether or not tax is included in the unit amount. The Tax Inclusive Pricing feature (separate from the Mixed Tax Pricing feature) must be enabled to utilize this flag.
taxInfo TaxInfo : Only for merchants using Recurly's In-The-Box taxes.
termsAndConditions string : Terms and conditions
total number : Estimated total
totalBillingCycles number : The number of cycles/billing periods in a term. When remaining_billing_cycles=0 , if auto_renew=true the subscription will renew and a new term will begin, otherwise the subscription will expire.
trialEndsAt Date : Trial period ends at
trialStartedAt Date : Trial period started at
unitAmount number : Subscription unit price
updatedAt Date : Last updated at
uuid string : The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly's UI.


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SubscriptionAddOn ()


Type: Object

property type description
addOn AddOnMini : Just the important parts.
addOnSource string : Used to determine where the associated add-on data is pulled from. If this value is set to plan_add_on or left blank, then add-on data will be pulled from the plan's add-ons. If the associated plan has allow_any_item_on_subscriptions set to true and this field is set to item , then the associated add-on data will be pulled from the site's item catalog.
createdAt Date : Created at
expiredAt Date : Expired at
id string : Subscription Add-on ID
object string : Object type
percentageTiers Array<SubscriptionAddOnPercentageTier> : If percentage tiers are provided in the request, all existing percentage tiers on the Subscription Add-on will be removed and replaced by the percentage tiers in the request. Use only if add_on.tier_type is tiered or volume and add_on.usage_type is percentage. There must be one tier without an ending_amount value which represents the final tier. This feature is currently in development and requires approval and enablement, please contact support.
quantity number : Add-on quantity
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
subscriptionId string : Subscription ID
tierType string : The pricing model for the add-on. For more information, click here . See our Guide for an overview of how to configure quantity-based pricing models.
tiers Array<SubscriptionAddOnTier> : If tiers are provided in the request, all existing tiers on the Subscription Add-on will be removed and replaced by the tiers in the request. If add_on.tier_type is tiered or volume and add_on.usage_type is percentage use percentage_tiers instead. There must be one tier without an ending_quantity value which represents the final tier.
unitAmount number : Supports up to 2 decimal places.
unitAmountDecimal string : Supports up to 9 decimal places.
updatedAt Date : Updated at
usageCalculationType string : The type of calculation to be employed for an add-on. Cumulative billing will sum all usage records created in the current billing cycle. Last-in-period billing will apply only the most recent usage record in the billing period. If no value is specified, cumulative billing will be used.
usagePercentage number : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0. Required if add_on_type is usage and usage_type is percentage.
usageTimeframe string : The time at which usage totals are reset for billing purposes.


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SubscriptionAddOnPercentageTier ()


Type: Object

property type description
endingAmount number : Ending amount for the tier. Allows up to 2 decimal places. Must be left empty if it is the final tier.
usagePercentage string : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places represented as a string.


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SubscriptionAddOnTier ()


Type: Object

property type description
endingQuantity number : Ending quantity for the tier. This represents a unit amount for unit-priced add ons. Must be left empty if it is the final tier.
unitAmount number : Allows up to 2 decimal places. Optionally, override the tiers' default unit amount. If add-on's add_on_type is usage and usage_type is percentage , cannot be provided.
unitAmountDecimal string : Allows up to 9 decimal places. Optionally, override tiers' default unit amount. If unit_amount_decimal is provided, unit_amount cannot be provided. If add-on's add_on_type is usage and usage_type is percentage , cannot be provided.
usagePercentage string : (deprecated) -- Use the percentage_tiers object instead.


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SubscriptionChange ()


Type: Object

property type description
activateAt Date : Activated at
activated boolean : Returns true if the subscription change is activated.
addOns Array<SubscriptionAddOn> : These add-ons will be used when the subscription renews.
billingInfo SubscriptionChangeBillingInfo : Accept nested attributes for three_d_secure_action_result_token_id
businessEntity BusinessEntityMini : Business entity details
createdAt Date : Created at
customFields Array<CustomField> : The custom fields will only be altered when they are included in a request. Sending an empty array will not remove any existing values. To remove a field send the name with a null or empty value.
deletedAt Date : Deleted at
id string : The ID of the Subscription Change.
invoiceCollection InvoiceCollection : Invoice Collection
object string : Object type
plan PlanMini : Just the important parts.
quantity number : Subscription quantity
rampIntervals Array<SubscriptionRampIntervalResponse> : The ramp intervals representing the pricing schedule for the subscription.
revenueScheduleType string : Revenue schedule type
shipping SubscriptionShipping : Subscription shipping details
subscriptionId string : The ID of the subscription that is going to be changed.
taxInclusive boolean : This field is deprecated. Please do not use it.
unitAmount number : Unit amount
updatedAt Date : Updated at


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SubscriptionChangeBillingInfo ()


Type: Object

property type description
threeDSecureActionResultTokenId string : A token generated by Recurly.js after completing a 3-D Secure device fingerprinting or authentication challenge.


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SubscriptionRampIntervalResponse ()


Type: Object

property type description
endingOn Date : Date the ramp interval ends
remainingBillingCycles number : Represents how many billing cycles are left in a ramp interval.
startingBillingCycle number : Represents the billing cycle where a ramp interval starts.
startingOn Date : Date the ramp interval starts
unitAmount number : Represents the price for the ramp interval.


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SubscriptionShipping ()


Type: Object

property type description
address ShippingAddress
amount number : Subscription's shipping cost
method ShippingMethodMini
object string : Object type


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TaxDetail ()


Type: Object

property type description
billable boolean : Whether or not the line item is taxable. Only populated for a single LineItem fetch when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
level string : Provides the jurisdiction level for the Communications tax applied. Example values include city, state and federal. Present only when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
name string : Provides the name of the Communications tax applied. Present only when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
rate number : Provides the tax rate for the region.
region string : Provides the tax region applied on an invoice. For Canadian Sales Tax, this will be either the 2 letter province code or country code. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
tax number : The total tax applied for this tax type.
type string : Provides the tax type for the region or type of Comminications tax when Avalara for Communications is enabled. For Canadian Sales Tax, this will be GST, HST, QST or PST.


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TaxInfo ()


Type: Object

property type description
rate number : The combined tax rate. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
region string : Provides the tax region applied on an invoice. For U.S. Sales Tax, this will be the 2 letter state code. For EU VAT this will be the 2 letter country code. For all country level tax types, this will display the regional tax, like VAT, GST, or PST. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
taxDetails Array<TaxDetail> : Provides additional tax details for Communications taxes when Avalara for Communications is enabled or Canadian Sales Tax when there is tax applied at both the country and province levels. This will only be populated for the Invoice response when fetching a single invoice and not for the InvoiceList or LineItemList. Only populated for a single LineItem fetch when Avalara for Communications is enabled.
type string : Provides the tax type as "vat" for EU VAT, "usst" for U.S. Sales Tax, or the 2 letter country code for country level tax types like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and all non-EU European countries. Not present when Avalara for Communications is enabled.


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Tier ()


Type: Object

property type description
currencies Array<TierPricing> : Tier pricing
endingQuantity number : Ending quantity for the tier. This represents a unit amount for unit-priced add ons. Must be left empty if it is the final tier.
usagePercentage string : (deprecated) -- Use the percentage_tiers object instead.


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TierPricing ()


Type: Object

property type description
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
unitAmount number : Allows up to 2 decimal places. Required unless unit_amount_decimal is provided.
unitAmountDecimal string : Allows up to 9 decimal places. Only supported when add_on_type = usage . If unit_amount_decimal is provided, unit_amount cannot be provided.


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Transaction ()


Type: Object

property type description
account AccountMini : Account mini details
actionResult Object : Action result params to be used in Recurly-JS to complete a payment when using asynchronous payment methods, e.g., Boleto, iDEAL and Sofort.
amount number : Total transaction amount sent to the payment gateway.
avsCheck string : When processed, result from checking the overall AVS on the transaction.
backupPaymentMethodUsed boolean : Indicates if the transaction was completed using a backup payment
billingAddress AddressWithName
collectedAt Date : Collected at, or if not collected yet, the time the transaction was created.
collectionMethod string : The method by which the payment was collected.
createdAt Date : Created at
currency string : 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
customerMessage string : For declined ( success=false ) transactions, the message displayed to the customer.
customerMessageLocale string : Language code for the message
cvvCheck string : When processed, result from checking the CVV/CVC value on the transaction.
fraudInfo TransactionFraudInfo : Fraud information
gatewayApprovalCode string : Transaction approval code from the payment gateway.
gatewayMessage string : Transaction message from the payment gateway.
gatewayReference string : Transaction reference number from the payment gateway.
gatewayResponseCode string : For declined transactions ( success=false ), this field lists the gateway error code.
gatewayResponseTime number : Time, in seconds, for gateway to process the transaction.
gatewayResponseValues Object : The values in this field will vary from gateway to gateway.
id string : Transaction ID
indicator string : Must be sent for one-time transactions in order to provide context on which entity is submitting the transaction to ensure proper fraud checks are observed, such as 3DS. If the customer is in session, send customer . If this is a merchant initiated one-time transaction, send merchant .
invoice InvoiceMini : Invoice mini details
ipAddressCountry string : Origin IP address country, 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, if known by Recurly.
ipAddressV4 string : IP address provided when the billing information was collected: - When the customer enters billing information into the Recurly.js or Hosted Payment Pages, Recurly records the IP address. - When the merchant enters billing information using the API, the merchant may provide an IP address. - When the merchant enters billing information using the UI, no IP address is recorded.
merchantReasonCode string : This conditional parameter is useful for merchants in specific industries who need to submit one-time Merchant Initiated transactions in specific cases. Not all gateways support these methods, but will support a generic one-time Merchant Initiated transaction. Only use this if the initiator value is "merchant". Otherwise, it will be ignored. - Incremental: Send incremental with an additional purchase if the original authorization amount is not sufficient to cover the costs of your service or product. For example, if the customer adds goods or services or there are additional expenses. - No Show: Send no_show if you charge customers a fee due to an agreed-upon cancellation policy in your industry. - Resubmission: Send resubmission if you need to attempt collection on a declined transaction. You may also use the force collection behavior which has the same effect. - Service Extension: Send service_extension if you are in a service industry and the customer has increased/extended their service in some way. For example: adding a day onto a car rental agreement. - Split Shipment: Send split_shipment if you sell physical product and need to split up a shipment into multiple transactions when the customer is no longer in session. - Top Up: Send top_up if you process one-time transactions based on a pre-arranged agreement with your customer where there is a pre-arranged account balance that needs maintaining. For example, if the customer has agreed to maintain an account balance of 30.00 and their current balance is 20.00, the MIT amount would be at least 10.00 to meet that 30.00 threshold.
object string : Object type
origin string : Describes how the transaction was triggered.
originalTransactionId string : If this transaction is a refund ( type=refund ), this will be the ID of the original transaction on the invoice being refunded.
paymentGateway TransactionPaymentGateway
paymentMethod PaymentMethod
refunded boolean : Indicates if part or all of this transaction was refunded.
status string : The current transaction status. Note that the status may change, e.g. a pending transaction may become declined or success may later become void .
statusCode string : Status code
statusMessage string : For declined ( success=false ) transactions, the message displayed to the merchant.
subscriptionIds Array<string> : If the transaction is charging or refunding for one or more subscriptions, these are their IDs.
success boolean : Did this transaction complete successfully?
type string :
  • authorization – verifies billing information and places a hold on money in the customer's account. - capture – captures funds held by an authorization and completes a purchase. - purchase – combines the authorization and capture in one transaction. - refund – returns all or a portion of the money collected in a previous transaction to the customer. - verify – a $0 or $1 transaction used to verify billing information which is immediately voided.
updatedAt Date : Updated at
uuid string : The UUID is useful for matching data with the CSV exports and building URLs into Recurly's UI.
vatNumber string : VAT number for the customer on this transaction. If the customer's Billing Info country is BR or AR, then this will be their Tax Identifier. For all other countries this will come from the VAT Number field in the Billing Info.
voidedAt Date : Voided at
voidedByInvoice InvoiceMini : Invoice mini details


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TransactionError ()


Type: Object

property type description
category string : Category
code string : Code
declineCode string : Decline code
fraudInfo TransactionFraudInfo : Fraud information
merchantAdvice string : Merchant message
message string : Customer message
object string : Object type
threeDSecureActionTokenId string : Returned when 3-D Secure authentication is required for a transaction. Pass this value to Recurly.js so it can continue the challenge flow.
transactionId string : Transaction ID


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TransactionFraudInfo ()


Type: Object

property type description
decision string : Kount decision
object string : Object type
reference string : Kount transaction reference ID
riskRulesTriggered Array<FraudRiskRule> : A list of fraud risk rules that were triggered for the transaction.
score number : Kount score


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TransactionPaymentGateway ()


Type: Object

property type description
id string
name string
object string : Object type
type string


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UniqueCouponCode ()


Type: Object

property type description
bulkCouponCode string : The Coupon code of the parent Bulk Coupon
bulkCouponId string : The Coupon ID of the parent Bulk Coupon
code string : The code the customer enters to redeem the coupon.
createdAt Date : Created at
expiredAt Date : The date and time the coupon was expired early or reached its max_redemptions .
id string : Unique Coupon Code ID
object string : Object type
redeemedAt Date : The date and time the unique coupon code was redeemed.
state string : Indicates if the unique coupon code is redeemable or why not.
updatedAt Date : Updated at


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UniqueCouponCodeParams ()


Type: Object

property type description
beginTime Date : The date-time to be included when listing UniqueCouponCodes
limit number : The number of UniqueCouponCodes that will be generated
order string : Sort order to list newly generated UniqueCouponCodes (should always be asc )
sort string : Sort field to list newly generated UniqueCouponCodes (should always be created_at )


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Usage ()


Type: Object

property type description
amount number : The amount of usage. Can be positive, negative, or 0. If the Decimal Quantity feature is enabled, this value will be rounded to nine decimal places. Otherwise, all digits after the decimal will be stripped. If the usage-based add-on is billed with a percentage, your usage should be a monetary amount formatted in cents (e.g., $5.00 is "500").
billedAt Date : When the usage record was billed on an invoice.
createdAt Date : When the usage record was created in Recurly.
id string
measuredUnitId string : The ID of the measured unit associated with the add-on the usage record is for.
merchantTag string : Custom field for recording the id in your own system associated with the usage, so you can provide auditable usage displays to your customers using a GET on this endpoint.
object string : Object type
percentageTiers Array<SubscriptionAddOnPercentageTier> : The percentage tiers of the subscription based on the usage_timestamp. If tier_type = flat, percentage_tiers = []. This feature is currently in development and requires approval and enablement, please contact support.
recordingTimestamp Date : When the usage was recorded in your system.
tierType string : The pricing model for the add-on. For more information, click here . See our Guide for an overview of how to configure quantity-based pricing models.
tiers Array<SubscriptionAddOnTier> : The tiers and prices of the subscription based on the usage_timestamp. If tier_type = flat, tiers = []
unitAmount number : Unit price
unitAmountDecimal string : Unit price that can optionally support a sub-cent value.
updatedAt Date : When the usage record was billed on an invoice.
usagePercentage number : The percentage taken of the monetary amount of usage tracked. This can be up to 4 decimal places. A value between 0.0 and 100.0.
usageTimestamp Date : When the usage actually happened. This will define the line item dates this usage is billed under and is important for revenue recognition.
usageType string : Type of usage, returns usage type if add_on_type is usage .


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User ()


Type: Object

property type description
createdAt Date
deletedAt Date
email string
firstName string
id string
lastName string
object string : Object type
timeZone string

PrimitiveProperty ()

Represents a primitive:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Object (plain js object)
  • Array (of primitives only)

DateProperty ()

Represents a Date in the schema

ResourceProperty (type)

Represents an embedded Resource in the schema

parameter type description
type any

ArrayProperty (type)

Represents an array of other schema properties.

parameter type description
type Property Should be Property for element type

build (typeSig)

Factory method to build a Property from a type signature. You should only create Properties through this method.

parameter type description
typeSig any

Schema (resourceType)

The class responsible a compiled schema.

parameter type description
resourceType Resource the resource type